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Economic benefits: examples. Economic benefits and their classification

At the present stage of economic development, there is a significant increase in the scale of consumption of various natural resources. Together with this, the process of interaction between society and the environment is sharply complicated.

Main problems

Due to the technogenic influence on nature, the manifestation of specific anthropogenic phenomena expands and becomes more intense. Today, energy, fuel, raw materials, water and environmental problems in general are so sharp that they have exceeded the limits of individual regions, having acquired a global scale. In connection with this, the study of the world natural-resource potential, the reserves of individual states acquires special significance. Not the least is the careful analysis of the economic systems that have developed in the various structures of the modern community, and their use. At present, it is necessary to develop a clear plan for the optimal development of natural resources.

The concept of an economic good

Each person has these or other desires. They fall into two categories: material and spiritual. It should, however, be said that this division is more conditional. So, it is difficult to say exactly, the material or spiritual category refers to the need for knowledge. Nevertheless, division is entirely possible. Economic needs and benefits are two related categories. The first reflect what a person seeks. In turn, the economic good is the property of an object that can satisfy the desires of people. This category is considered fundamental in the theory of economic development of any country.


At the dawn of the statehood, free and economic benefits were available to mankind. The first concerns everything that naturally exists in nature and can satisfy the desires of people. However, over time, the ratio in which free and economic goods were located began to change in favor of the latter. In other words, almost all the desires of people began to be satisfied at the expense of production. In a market where material (economic) goods are sold and bought, they are called services and goods (often simply products, products).

Category correlation

Mankind is arranged in such a way that its economic needs and the benefits that are at its disposal are usually not equal in volume. As a rule, the first exceed the second. Experts even speak of a special principle - the "law of elevation." It means that needs grow faster than goods are produced. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that after satisfying one's desires, people appear in others. In the traditional society , first of all, the economic benefits necessary for the normal life of people are needed. Examples are found daily. This, in particular, food, clothing, basic services, housing.

Engel's law

He points to a direct relationship between the type of products purchased and the level of people's income. This theory was proved in the 19th century by the Prussian extras Ernest Engel. According to his statements, which confirms the practice, when the absolute amount of income is increased, the share that is spent for services and essential goods is reduced. At the same time, the costs for products that need less are increasing. As the very first need is food. In this regard, Engel's law is expressed in the fact that with increasing incomes, the share spent for food is reduced. At the same time, the part that goes to purchase other goods, in particular services that act as products not of prime necessity, is increasing. As a result, we can conclude that if the growth of needs constantly outstrips the release of economic benefits, then the former become limitless, completely unquenchable. Together with this, you can say more. In particular, if economic goods and resources are limited, they have less need. This, in turn, is due to the non-limitality of many natural reserves, lack of labor, small production capacity and weak financing. In other words, production lags behind the needs due to limited capabilities and reserves.

Economic benefits and their classification

Since mankind can not live without satisfying its needs, the main problem of the theory of management in any country is the problem of production. The release of products is conditioned by the inexhaustible needs of people who demand satisfaction. The needs of mankind are different. To meet them, different economic benefits are required (examples will be given below). To produce a product, certain costs are required. For a better understanding, economic benefits and their classification should be considered separately. This will allow to make correct conclusions in the future when studying the subject of production as a whole. It should be noted that not all objects act as economic benefits. Examples of them are pretty well known: air, water, earth. Now they are enough to meet the needs of people. Economic benefits are limited. They are not enough to meet the needs of the population. It should be noted here that the ability to satisfy needs does not yet make the object a boon. This property must be realized by man.

Main Categories

Today there is a wide variety of benefits. In particular, they can be:

  • Public and individual.
  • Material and spiritual.
  • Present and future. The first in this case are in real direct disposal of people. The latter can be used, respectively, in the future. In practice, people prefer real goods. From this priority, different theories about income come.
  • Economic and non-economic.
  • Direct and indirect. In this case, the former are aimed at satisfying some need and do not need a transformation. The second act as a means. They are called still productive economic goods. Examples of them: structures, equipment, industrial facilities, etc. This distinction is nevertheless considered very conditional.
  • Short-term and long-term. The first can be used to meet a specific need only once. Long-term benefits are designed for multiple applications. They are consumed gradually and are able to meet the same need several times.
  • Interchangeable and complementary (complimentary). The former are able to replace one another when consumed. Mutually filled, however, can meet needs only when used together. Any economic benefit is in a certain complementary or substitute relationship with others.

All objects that meet the needs fall into different categories:

  • By the way they are made available, they are divided into things and services. The first category is represented by tangible products of nature or people's activities. The service is considered human activity aimed at satisfying someone's needs.
  • By the nature of the need, material and spiritual objects are singled out. The latter are services or things that satisfy social, spiritual needs (information, education, culture, research, communication, and others). The first, respectively, realize material needs.
  • Rarity is made available to the public and limited.

Characteristics of categories

As was said above, the benefits can be material and spiritual. This division is based on the physical properties of a particular object. So, there are things that are materially tangible. They can be seen and determined by their physical characteristics. Also in the world there are also "disembodied objects", "ideal". They are certified by a mandatory document, fixing the respective rights to them. Material wealth (clothing, full-fledged food) is not found in the open in nature. Get them man can through the production process, transforming the natural raw materials. In order for such benefits to become greater, additional actions must be taken. This is the essence of the need for production. Intangible goods are absorbed by people without any effort. They are present in the habitat in ready form. Such objects also have the ability to act on the development of human skills. Material and spiritual goods are divided into:

  • Internal (hearing, voice and other that is given by nature, and a person develops them himself).
  • External (business ties).

Production means

To produce a product or perform a service, resources are needed. They are divided into the following categories:

  • Natural. They include everything that is in the environment.
  • Material. This category includes land or raw materials.
  • Labor. These include entrepreneurial, professional abilities and skills of people engaged in production and services.


All economic factors, resources have one common property - limitation. However, this characteristic is considered relative. Limited means that resources are usually less than what is needed to meet the needs at a certain stage of economic development. As a consequence, the volume of production is inadequate. The industry can not release all goods and services that would like to be received by mankind. Limitedity is considered to be limited and due to the fact that the level of scientific and technological development determines the limits of the use of these or other resources (for example, sets the depth of oil refining).

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