Health, Preparations
Drug "Scopolamine hydrobromide": properties, indications and contraindications for use
"Scopolamine hydrobromide" is a medicine that is widely used in modern medicine. But, of course, patients are interested in additional information, in particular, the properties of the drug, indications and contraindications to the treatment, etc.
The drug "Scopolamine hydrobromide": a prescription, composition and form of release
To begin with it is necessary to understand the composition of the medicine. "Scopolamine hydrobromide" (recipe in Latin - Scopolaminum Hydrobromicum) is a transparent colorless crystals. Of course, it can often be seen in the form of a crushed crystalline powder with a characteristic bitter aftertaste. The substance is readily soluble in alcohol and water. By the way, this compound belongs to the group of alkaloids - it is obtained from the same plants as atropine - it is bleached, scopolia, belladonna, dope.
In the pharmacy it can be purchased in powder form. But more often the drug is used in the form of 0.05% solution - it is sold in glass ampoules of 1 ml. There are bottles of 5 or 10 ml - this solution contains methyl cellulose. Ampoules (or vials) should be stored in a cool place, in which direct sunlight does not fall. Shelf life - 5 years from the date of manufacture.
Mechanism of action of the drug
Scopolamine hydrobromide has an effect mechanism similar to atropine - it is active in relation to cholinergic systems. For example, the patient after taking the medication observed temporary paralysis of accommodation, increased heart rate, a decrease in glandular secretion, as well as dilated pupils and relaxation of smooth muscles.
But on the central nervous system, it acts differently, partly inhibiting its activity. Scopolamine inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses that come from the pyramidal tract to the motor structures in the spinal cord. In addition, the agent blocks cholinoreactive receptors in the reticular formation. That is why the drug has a sedative (sedative) and hypnotic effect on the human body - decreases motor activity. By the way, one of the features of this substance is that after taking, as a rule, there is short-term amnesia - a person practically does not remember what happened.
In what cases is the drug used? Indications
This drug is used in many branches of medicine:
- As a sedative and anesthetic injecting solution is used in obstetric practice and surgery to prepare for anesthesia.
- In neurology indications for taking the drug are postencephalitic parkinsonism and trembling paralysis.
- Ophthalmologists also use this substance in the form of eye drops - it is effective for iridocyclites and irites. Drops are also used if there is a need to expand the pupil of the patient (for example, before diagnostic procedures).
- The medicine has found its application in psychiatry, because it acts as a sedative.
- In case of air and sea sickness, "Scopolamine hydrobromide" helps to cope with nausea, vomiting and nervousness. This chemical is used in the drug "Aeron".
The use of "scopolamine hydrobromide" helps to cope with a lot of problems. Nevertheless, it can only be assigned by the attending physician after making an anamnesis and obtaining all the diagnostic data.
The drug "Scopolamine hydrobromide": instructions for use
As already mentioned, the drug is released as a solution - it is injected either under the skin or intramuscularly. The therapeutic dose of the drug (when it comes to subcutaneous injection) ranges from 0.0002 to 0.0005 g scopolamine. Typically, patients are assigned 0.5 or 1 ml of 0.05% solution - injections are carried out two or three times a day.
If we are talking about eye drops, then patients are prescribed 1-2 drops in each eye. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day, using a 0.25% solution. It is necessary to understand that this potent medicine and its unauthorized, unskillful application can lead to extremely dangerous problems. Only a doctor can prescribe a drug, prescribe a prescription, determine the dosage and duration of a course of treatment.
Are there any restrictions and contraindications?
Whether it is expedient to appoint to all categories of people a medicinal product "Scopolamine hydrobromide"? In fact, the drug has some limitations. It can not be administered to patients who have organic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
To the list of contraindications also include diabetes and glaucoma. Do not use medicine to treat patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular hyperthyroidism. Men with hypertrophy of the prostate this solution can also do harm. Application in the elderly is possible, but it is very cautious to do this.
Possible side effects of therapy
According to statistical data, this drug in most cases is well tolerated. Nevertheless, some patients develop side effects. For example, there may be a disruption in the accommodation of the lens and persistent dilatation of the pupils, which affects the sensitivity to light and visual acuity.
Some patients complain of tachycardia, a palpitating palpitation. Side reactions include also dizziness, dry mouth and problems with urination. Sometimes, when the dose is correctly chosen, the medicine acts excitantly - the person becomes more nervous, delusions and hallucinations appear. Certainly, at occurrence of the above described frustration it is necessary to address to the attending physician as development of complications is possible.
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