HealthHealthy Eating

Do you think butter is good or bad?

Our high-tech century brought with it many discoveries and benefits for humanity. However, nature suffered from this, which practically lost its original appearance. Mass deforestation, global air pollution is just the tip of the iceberg. The food industry, along with its products, has changed beyond recognition. Now, a person is looking for products on the shelves in the supermarket that have the smallest percentage of dyes, preservatives and other substances that negatively affect their health. And this is a bitter reality.

Often the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle affects products that have for many years been the usual ingredients of our table. Really harmful products remain in the shade. This topic has affected butter - a high-calorie product, which in small doses is so necessary for the human body. Many women, believing in the harmful properties of the goods, completely refused to accept it. All for the sake of preserving the figure. Of course, butter is good if you eat it in moderation. There is an opinion that this product in its composition contains a large amount of cholesterol, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system. One famous English scientist, said that butter should be struck out once and for all from the diet. However, farmers were enraged to hear such a statement, because the product is rich in useful substances that are so necessary for the human body. Think about it: to get one kilogram of oil, you need about 25 liters of fresh cow's milk. Most European scientists tend to think that the product should be eaten in your diet. One condition is to know the measure. If you eat this well of nutrients three times a day with a tablespoon, then butter is harmful. Excessive use of any product does not bode well.

The daily rate of consumption of butter should not exceed a mark of 30 grams. The product contains amino acids, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins PP, E, A, D. Thanks to these elements, the beauty of the skin is preserved, vision is maintained at a normal level, the risk of diseases associated with teeth is reduced. All this has in its composition butter, the benefits of which are obvious.

However, some nutritionists believe that a large amount of cholesterol in this product has a negative impact on human health. This is the main reason why it is recommended to use substitutes for the product. The composition of the alternative oil includes flavors, vegetable fats, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers. This product can not even be called margarine. The organisms of our children reject substitutes that negatively affect development. But the milk fat, which is in butter, is easily digested and extremely necessary for the growth of the child. The absence of fatty acids, promotes the wrong synthesis of sex hormones. Without fat, our body will be exhausted. Vitamin A, necessary for vision and maintenance of the immune system, is part of the butter. If a woman's diet is deficient in fat, there is a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, the reproductive function is called into question. It follows that butter is good. This product is high-calorie. If you eat butter in reasonable portions, a person reserves the necessary energy for the whole day. Particularly relevant is the use of the product in the northern regions. Having eaten a piece of butter in the morning, a person protects himself from hypothermia. Fats, which are in the product, are needed to update the cells of the brain and nervous system. If you have a stomach ulcer, the butter will do you good. Thanks to vitamin A, the healing process of internal wounds begins. However, do not consume more than 20 grams of the product.

Butter is divided into two types: sweet-creamy and sour-creamy. The last kind is made from sour cream. Both products are in demand among the population. Of course, the expression "butter is good and harm" has the right to life. Despite this, oil - the product is truly special. Who among us never smeared on the bread a delicious and fragrant butter during breakfast? Probably, there are no such people. This indicates that butter is good. Eat on health, but in reasonable quantities, and choose only high-quality products.

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