
Do droplets for the eyes help with fatigue from the computer?

More and more people are now spending time at the computer. Study, work - everything is connected with technology. Practically in every office, people spend hours chores while sitting at a computer chair. Many have big problems with vision, but even those who do not have them, can suffer from the fact that the eyes are stressed and simply tired. What can I do if I have to work, but not to harm my eyes? Nowadays, special exercises and gymnastics are developed, and drops for the eyes are produced from fatigue from the computer. They are very helpful to those who have to constantly strain and look at the monitor.

People with myopia should be very careful about their health and spend as little time as possible on the computer. But not always it turns out, work or study does not wait. In this case, this article will help you. In it we will describe the basic exercises that you can perform yourself. And also we will advise drops for eyes from fatigue from the computer.

As is known, intraocular muscles can be immobile for such a long time, although they must be constantly active. While sitting at the computer, do such exercises:

  1. "Butterfly" - quickly pat your eyelashes and often blink. Do this 15 times a day.
  2. Keep your head straight, while looking down and up, rotating your eyes. 3 seconds look up, then also 3 seconds down. And so several times.
  3. Now do not move your head and do the same exercise, just turn your eyes left and right.
  4. Do circular movements with your eyes.
  5. Close your eyes, open your eyes. And so several times. This exercise improves blood circulation in the vessels of the eyes.

In addition to performing these easy tasks, buy yourself special drops for the eyes from fatigue from the computer. At the moment, there are a lot of them in pharmacies. Choose the ones that suit you or consult your ophthalmologist. If you wear lenses and have poor eyesight, then you need special drops from dryness and tired eyes. Usually manufacturers of lenses and liquids for them offer to buy and drops. Do not give up. They very much help from fatigue behind the computer, without violating the integrity of the lens. Do not use any other solutions when wearing contact lenses.

In addition to buying eye drops from fatigue from the computer, drink the "Blueberry forte" or "Okulist" supplement, they nourish and provide the body with the necessary substances for eye health. It is best to use an integrated approach - do gymnastics, use drops, take vitamins.

Vial (eye drops): instructions for use

Indications for use : fatigue, dry eyes, allergies, conjunctivitis, eye irritation.

Contraindications : age of children under 3 years, glaucoma, pregnancy, breast-feeding, corneal dystrophy of the eye.

Application : warm to room temperature, instill 1-2 drops to 3 times a day in the conjunctival cavity of the eyes.

Other eye drops

To remove eye fatigue from the computer, drops can be bought the following:

  1. "Visomitin".
  2. "Inox".
  3. "Otholik".
  4. "Vizin".

Here such there are drops for eyes from weariness from the computer.

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