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Dizziness in pregnancy

Very often women complain of various ailments during pregnancy. The most common among them are: dizziness and weakness, dyspnea, restless sleep, heartburn, constipation and back pain (appear on later terms). These ailments are explained, from a medical point of view, by changes in the female body at the onset of conception. But still, to make the future mother feel comfortable and fully, you need to get rid of these ailments in every possible way, without attracting medicines.

Dizziness during pregnancy. How to deal with it?

Most often it happens in the first trimester. In some cases, dizziness may even be accompanied by fainting. This indisposition is explained very simply. After all, the blood flow to the uterus of a pregnant woman is increasing, which requires 10 times more blood than before. That is why a lack of blood in the brain can lead to frequent dizziness, when the body has not yet fully adapted. In addition, if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis and vomiting, these symptoms may worsen.

If you have a strong dizziness during pregnancy, you should try not to make sudden movements, especially when rising from a sitting or lying position. Try to ventilate the room more often, so that the air in it is not heavy. It is necessary to protect a woman from even the most insignificant stresses, stresses and tight spaces where there are many people. These factors cause dizziness in pregnancy. It is also necessary to try to increase the flow of blood to the brain with the help of physical exercises, which should be consulted with a doctor.

Bad sleep

You should carefully monitor your diet and try not to eat a lot of fatty and heavy food, especially at bedtime. After all, a good dream of a future mother depends on the food that it takes. If you eat late at night, your food should be as light as possible, so as not to overload the stomach at night. Also, drinking coffee or strong black tea can interfere with the sleep of the future mother, which should be avoided in the evening. Try to walk before going to bed - and then you will sleep soundly and calmly.


This happens most often in the second half of the waiting period for the child, as its dimensions increase significantly. The growth of the child promotes pressure on the organs and chest. Like dizziness during pregnancy, dyspnea is quite common among the ailments that women experience. At the same time, you should avoid any physical exertion, and if the dyspnea is very severe, it is worthwhile to consult your doctor.


In this case it is necessary, first of all, to monitor your diet. And most importantly, to consume as much as possible vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, bread coarsely (for example, from bran). In addition, you need to monitor the amount of liquids drunk per day. If you adhere to proper nutrition, then constipation will stop worrying your expectant mother. In some cases, proper nutrition also affects dizziness during pregnancy. Therefore, food is not easy to be easy, but also to give all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the development of the fetus.


When digestion is disturbed, the appearance of heartburn in pregnant women is quite often observed. This happens with an increase in the size of the uterus, which grows and raises the stomach. That heartburn does not disturb the future mum, it is necessary to eat small portions some times for a day, thus trying to exclude fat, fried, sharp, acidic, percussion food. If heartburn does not stop bothering you, it is best not to use medicines (including soda solution), but to consult a doctor.

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