
Dense blood: ways to fight

Blood clotting in the human body is provided by nature in order to prevent blood loss in case of damage to blood vessels and capillaries. In the process of hemostasis, three stages of substance transformation are involved. As a result of complex biological reactions, the damaged walls of the vessel narrow, the sticky and thick blood becomes thick, and the mechanism of thrombus formation starts.

In case of violations in the work of some human organs, the amount of fluid in the blood decreases, the temporary viscosity goes into a chronic condition.

Thick blood, treatment

Violations of hemostasis require immediate elimination of the factors causing them.

  • It can be the reception of medications that affect the enzymatic processes.
  • Pathological processes on the background of infection, immune changes, toxic effects.

It is advisable to include measures to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Carry out correction of the menstrual cycle with hormonal therapy.

Emergency actions for the treatment of hypercoagulability begin with the appointment of heparin.

Thick blood, diet

Hemostasis can be improved with a special diet.

It is important to monitor the amount of water consumed. The amount of fluid required for the optimal level of blood coagulation is within 1.5 liters.

After the advice of the attending physician, you can switch to herbal teas. A special attention and study deserves the action of green tea in the processes of liquefaction of the blood environment.

It is recommended to use juices from vegetables or fruits, which are not contraindicated individually. Dense blood, the symptoms of which confirm the sclerotic lesions of small vessels, is effectively diluted with natural red grapes juice. The grapes contain an ideally combined combination of flavonoids, which can restore the elasticity and penetration of the vascular walls.

Ordinary water with biochemical indicators within the allowed norm will perfectly cope with the function assigned to it.

A nutritionist will help to balance the nutrition in such a way as to ensure the timely renewal of the membranes of blood cells. The walls of the capillaries will be enriched with the necessary high-grade proteins, which contain essential amino acids.

At the same time, meat consumption should be somewhat limited due to the high content of saturated acids in it that interfere with the stable recovery of the normal blood environment. This is mainly true of pork.

A high-grade protein with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids, which require thick blood, is found in meat of fish. Sea fish, including the whole set of seafood, is considered a reliable source of necessary proteins. In the diet, the nutritionist will include eggs and poultry. Determine the amount of dairy products you need.

An important factor in maintaining optimal blood coagulation is the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body . A rich content of them is found in fish oil, in vegetable oils from flaxseed, seedling and mustard. The order of admission: 1 tablespoon per day.

The consumption of olive oil is beneficial for blood formation due to the content of biologically active substances in it.

The menu includes a maritime cauliflower if the blood is thick. This product not only activates the assimilation of proteins, also lowers cholesterol, prevents the process of curing the walls of blood vessels, regulates the work of a number of enzymes. In the pharmacies sold seaweed, passed the sanitary control, you can use according to the instructions on the package.

Traditional medicine, referring to the topic of normalizing the level of blood clotting, emphasizes the use of onions and garlic in fresh form. These are natural antioxidants, which have a positive effect on the function of enzyme systems.

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