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Deep sea fish hyperoglyph: description and features

Hyperroglyph fish belongs to the detachment of Perciformes from the Centrolophidae family. There are 6 species in total. The most common of these are the Japanese, Southern, Antarctic and Atlantic. And if the last species lives in the Atlantic Ocean, then the temperate and subtropical waters of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean are the range of the former. This hyper-glyph is distributed along the coast of Japan and the southern Kuril Islands. It also occurs in the waters of the Sea of Japan, from the island of Tsushima to the southern part of Sakhalin and from Pusan to the north of Primorye.

Hyperroglyph - a fish with a relatively high body of bluish or greenish-gray color with reddish-brown hues. And the abdomen and sides are lighter, and the back with the head is darker. Caps of gills with silvery overflow. Young can differ not very pronounced striped color. The Japanese hyperoglyph has a fairly large head, which is at least 30% of the whole body, it is bare with a blunt and short snout. The eyes are of medium size with a golden iris. Jaws are equipped with single, sharp, frequent and small teeth. Dorsal fin continuous, thoracic - rounded and relatively small, and in young, pointed. But the ventral fins are poorly developed. The lateral line begins over the gill cover. It, smoothly bending, continues after the end of the pectoral fins and goes in the middle of the side until the end of the anal. The body length can reach 90 cm, and the mass - 10 kg, most often there are individuals not more than 40-60 cm.

Few people imagine what a hyperglyph fish looks like, as not everyone knows about it, and its biology has not been studied enough by scientists. Adult individuals live near the bottom at rather large depths (from 100 to 450 m). They feed on small small fish, their young, as well as shells, cephalopods and all kinds of crustaceans. About their reproduction, almost nothing is known. Presumably, the fish hyperglyph sweeps the eggs in late autumn. Her fry prefers to be closer to the shore or pelagic. In other words, in the thickness of the water between the bottom and the surface. They try to keep themselves under drifting algae or any floating objects. They can be found off the coast of Canada in the waters of the Atlantic from June to October.

In the main, the fish does not have a hyperglyphic of its own. In the North Atlantic, it is rather an object of by-catch in the coastal waters, where it is caught by water trawls. But in Japan and Chile it is commercial fish. At the shores of these countries, it forms shoals over the continental shelf in the bottom layers and in the pelagic of the high seas. It is especially appreciated in the Land of the Rising Sun and is used as a dining fish. In boiled form, its meat is very tasty and juicy, and the broth has a wonderful aroma. It is also good in cold and hot smoking with fillet cutting.

In Russia, the hyperglyph is also caught in the form of by-catch, in a year it is not more than 10-12 tons. And in the summer-autumn period (during migration), it becomes the object of sports and amateur fishing. They catch him spinning in the vicinity of Furugelma Island or the Rimsky-Korsakov Islands, which are in the Peter the Great Bay.

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