
Daily monitoring of blood pressure: advantages and aspects of the method

Several years ago, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was carried out for research purposes. But now the situation has changed. Now the monitor is put on the patient for medical diagnosis of the heart.

When is the examination scheduled?

The monitor is established for the patient to diagnose pathologies associated with hypertension. Allocate such cases:

  1. Boundary arterial hypertension.
  2. The presence of fear of doctors in a person.
  3. Identification of the symptomatic nature of hypertension.
  4. Examination of people with pathologies such as heart failure, malnutrition of the brain, violation of lipid metabolism and so on.
  5. The monitor can be delivered to people at a young age who have a bad heredity associated with hypertension.

It is also prescribed for patients before prescribing medicines in order to determine the possibility of their administration:

  1. Through the survey, you can identify patients who can prescribe those or other drugs or not.
  2. An assessment is made of whether or not the effective effect on the body of the medicine will be effective. It is also possible that, according to the monitor, the doctor will conclude that certain drugs can harm a person.
  3. According to the survey, a treatment regimen is being developed that will suit the patient.
  4. Daily monitoring of blood pressure allows you to determine the individual rhythm of the patient. This information is necessary to evaluate the use of a medical product.


What methods exist for measuring blood pressure?

  1. Auscultative method. The main advantage of this method is that it is resistant to external influences, namely the movement of hands and vibrations. The disadvantages of the auscultatory method include susceptibility to various noise. The microphone and cuff of the device must be in direct contact with the skin of the hand. If the body has such pathologies as Korotkov's weak tones, then the measurement will make it problematic.
  2. Oscillometric method of measuring blood pressure. This method is resistant to noise. This method of measuring blood pressure allows you to put the cuff on a thin fabric, also does not matter its location. The main thing is that the cuff should be located before the elbow fold. For the accuracy of the measurements, these indicators do not affect. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that this method affects hand movements and vibration.

Indications for use

When is the 24-hour ECG and BP monitor? The procedure is necessary to fix the contractions of the heart muscle during the day. These results are necessary for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis to the patient. Daily monitoring of blood pressure is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. For diagnosing ischemic heart diseases, such as angina pectoris, ischemia, cardiac arrest.
  2. To confirm or refute arterial hypertension.
  3. With different types of arrhythmia.
  4. For diagnosing heart defects.
  5. The monitor is placed before the operative intervention to determine or exclude any indicators of the organism.
  6. Planned appointment to patients suffering from diabetes.
  7. Determination of whether the patient is treated correctly.


A special preparation for such a procedure is not required. You can eat ordinary food, except alcohol. If a person smokes, it is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes or exclude them.

What does the 24 - hour ECG and AD monitoring complex involve?

In order to read the electrocardiogram and blood pressure readings within 24 hours, it is necessary to use a complex that is designed to measure these indicators. It includes one or more registrars. They keep records of the patient's indicators during the day. Also, the kit is equipped with a computer and special software.

The data in the 24-hour blood pressure monitor are fed through the cable. The cuff also has a connecting channel with a recorder. It looks like a plastic tube. A complex of software-hardware 24-hour monitoring of blood pressure takes signals from the registrars. Then it converts them into non-volatile memory. There are several types of complexes.

Description of the system

What is the 24-hour BP monitoring system? These devices are used in cardiology. They are designed to fix the heart rate of the patient during the day. Then this data is transferred to the computer and decrypted. There are several models of systems.

The advantage of using the method is that the patient is at home, in his usual habitat. Therefore, the device data are more accurate than those obtained in medical institutions. Since many people panic when they see people in white coats.

Daily monitoring of blood pressure. Methods of conducting

This type of examination can be assigned to a patient in a hospital or a polyclinic. The procedure begins in the functional diagnostics room . The patient needs to come to this department early in the morning. There the doctor gives him instructions. After this, electrodes are attached to the patient's chest. Their number can vary, depending on what device is used for research. Usually their number is 5 or 7 pieces. Electrodes are attached by means of special stickers. These electrodes are attached to a small device. He can be worn by the patient both on the chest and on the waist. If the test is done in conjunction with a check of blood pressure, the patient is put on the cuff on his arm. From it to the device also conduct the connecting wires. It should be noted that the procedure for attaching electrodes, cuffs and the device does not take much time. Usually it ends in 10 minutes. The patient does not have any discomfort or pain.

After the device is installed, the patient is given a special diary, which looks like a table. Next, a person should keep a record of his day, describe all the actions that he does. For example, that he went to the store, ate, took medicine, sat down, watched TV and stuff. Also it is necessary to fix any uncomfortable sensations. An important point is the time of taking medications. Contraindication is the shower or bath. Since there are electrical appliances on the person.

After passing the day, the patient needs to remove the monitor. The doctor transfers the recorded data from the device to the computer. After that, they are carefully deciphered, and the result is transferred to the treating doctor. Further on the received data the exact diagnosis is put. It also determines whether a person needs hospitalization or not. You should know that this test is absolutely harmless to the human body.

A small conclusion

Now you know what daily monitoring of BP is, how it is conducted and why. We hope that the information in this article was helpful to you. Be healthy!

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