Food and drink, Cooking tips
Dagestan cuisine: delicious recipes
Dagestan is famous not only for its unique history and traditions, but also for its culinary wealth. Over the centuries, various peoples lived on these lands, and each of these ethnic communities has its own distinctive cuisine. Today we will plunge into the atmosphere of that civilization and tell you some interesting cooking recipes .
An excellent combination of animal and vegetable products, delicious taste of dishes and simple cooking - that is the difference between Dagestan cuisine. The most popular types of meat - beef, lamb and veal, are also widely used in the heart, lungs, liver, scar and guts. Very popular dishes from corn and wheat flour, for example "hinkal".
Each nationality living in this republic has its own formula and method of filing. Present this traditional dish can as a first or second course. No less popular and tasty for all nationalities are coursais - large dumplings, and a miracle - pies with a variety of fillings.
In addition to meat, legumes, various herbs, spices and herbs are widely used. At any time of the day a green salad is always served to the table. Dagestan dishes have a distinctive feature: a sharp taste and a variety of spices: cumin, garlic, capsicum, nut grass, spicy greens - all this gives the products a piquant taste and an unusual aroma that fuels appetite.
Dagestan cuisine is also rich in sweets and drinks. On the first place is halva, parvarda, popcorn, nuts and dried fruits with honey and chocolate. Eastern sweets are loved all over the world, they are served for dessert with different types of tea.
Dagestan cuisine: recipes.
This dish is served for all holidays. Dagestanians treat their guests with sincere warmth and joy. Hinkal is not accepted to eat alone, it must certainly be eaten by the whole family. Also, the dish is prepared in honor of the arrival of an expensive guest, and it does not matter at what time of day it arrived, because the cordiality of this people is in the blood.
To make it, you need beef or lamb. It is boiled in large portions in large quantities with water and spices. In the broth you can put pieces of carrots and onions. To make it transparent, it is cooked on low heat. At this time, knead the dough. For it, you can use kefir, curdled milk or whey, add salt and soda. The recipe itself is similar to the preparation of dumplings, the only thing for hinkala dough should have a more dense consistency. We give the test a little to get it homogeneous.
Variants of rolling are several: a thick tourniquet or a 1.5 cm layer. Next, cut the dough into small triangles and boil it in broth. This should be done under the lid, until foam rises three times. The readiness of the hinkala is easy to determine - ready-made puffs increase several times. We pull them out and make a through puncture so that the steam comes out.
Hinkal can be served with sour cream, kefir with herbs and garlic or tomato paste. Very often a special sauce is prepared for this dish: tomato paste or mashed tomatoes without skin are fried with garlic, onion, cumin, black pepper and herbs. As you know, Dagestan cuisine is mostly difficult for the stomach and hinkal is no exception. For better digestion, you should drink curdled milk, kefir or broth (low-fat).
This dish is made from cottage cheese, herbs with meat and onions, pumpkin and eggs. Outwardly it resembles pouches or a sea shell - on one side of a rounded form, on the other a tail, and with a third pigtail.
Depending on the filling, the dough is made. If it is meat, then the dough is made from flour, water, eggs. If the vegetable, the eggs do not put. Fillings can be very diverse and even liquid. Already formed courses are thrown into boiled water. Serve with sour cream and herbs.
A miracle.
Miracle - a pie from an unleavened dough with different fillings. They resemble fried cakes, and the cooking process itself is almost identical. As stated above, each nation has its own recipe.
The Dargyans make a yeast dough, put there potato or meat stuffing and bake in the form of a pie. Lezgins also prepare. This dish is often served with mashed potatoes and cottage cheese. A miracle with cottage cheese and greens is more useful. No less delicious is obtained with pumpkin and other vegetables. Cakes are fried in a frying pan without oil or are baked in the oven.
Dagestan cuisine is so vast that even a hundred pages are not enough to describe all of its wonderful recipes.
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