
Cultivation of tomatoes by the method of I. M. Maslov: step by step instructions

Observing a sufficiently long period of time for growth and the patterns of tomato development, Maslov Igor Mikhailovich (an engineer from Kaliningrad) came to the conclusion that for the formation and filling of a large number of fruits on a plant, he needs a powerful and developed root system. The scientist tried to achieve this in several ways. He introduced his planting technology to a wide audience in 1983-1984 on the central television in the thematic programs "Subsidiary farming" and "That you can."

His suggestions on the topic of how to grow tomatoes in the open ground, aroused great interest among the audience, and for a long time the name of the academician was on hearing, and truck farmers were engaged in experiments on the site.

Method number 1

It consists in a new technology of transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. Do this not in a traditional way - vertically, but horizontally. Not too deep furrow (10-12 cm) is prepared in advance, watered it, and then lay the bare stem (the leaves must first be carefully cut off), or rather 2/3 of its part to the bottom. Top with a layer of soil. It is important to observe one more rule of planting - a strict direction of the plant from south to north, so that as it grows, it gradually straightens upright and stretches toward the sun. By the way, this method is also a great way out of the situation when the tomato seedlings are stretched out because of lack of lighting or other growth factors.

On the part of the stem buried in the ground, the roots develop very rapidly, which are rapidly connected to the common seedling nutrition system. It is noteworthy that in their strength and magnitude they exceed the basic root system several times. This method is recommended to a greater extent by those who are engaged in planting tomatoes for the purpose of their subsequent sale.

Method No. 2

This technique is even more simple and affordable for absolutely any gardener, even inexperienced. IM Maslov proposes to cultivate tomatoes for open ground without pasynkovaniya, that is, removing side shoots. Of course, you do not need to leave them all, just select the very first, lower (2 or 3). Stephens need to be given a little time to grow, so that they stretched out. Then you need to act somewhat like the first method. From the shoots, remove the leaves, bend them to the surface of the earth (you can pin them for the first time with a wire) and sprinkle with a layer of soil 10-12 cm thick.

Pricked up stepchildren very quickly "touch" in growth, and a month later they can hardly be distinguished from the mother's bush both in size and in the number of fruit ovaries.

What if the tomatoes are already planted?

If you allow the fact that you hurried to planting or learned late about how tomatoes are grown according to the method of IM Maslov, then in principle everything is fixable. According to an experienced gardener, he himself does not have the opportunity at home to get a strong seedling with an overgrown stalk. In this regard, practice the planting of tomatoes in an unheated greenhouse in an initially vertical fashion. For some time they are growing stronger, growing, gaining strength and color. Practically at the stage of ovary formation, IM Maslov recommends transplanting seedlings as indicated in the first method. At the same time, he notes that tomatoes normally tolerate such interference. Moreover, they become stronger, as if the transplant gives a boost to the development of the root system and the whole plant as a whole.

Cultivation of tomatoes by the method of IM Maslov

In his interview, IM Maslov repeatedly noted that although tomatoes are not a vital product, like potatoes, wheat or even meat, they are still very popular. They are loved not only in fresh form, but also in canned, as well as in various preparations (tomato juice, sauce, pasta, etc.). The actuality of Maslov's work is that, even if he owns a small plot of land or vegetable garden, you can grow a vegetable and have it in sufficient quantity. To introduce such a method into practice, additional costs will not be required. All that is needed is an understanding of the nature of the plant and the processes of its growth, development and fruiting.

Let the tomatoes spread

Note that the cultivation of tomatoes by the method of I. M. Maslov has another small but important secret. Tomatoes are not adapted by nature for vertical growth. Suffice it to compare them with the typical plants that require support, - grapes, cucumbers. They have a special device - antennae. Tomatoes do not have them, but man forced them to grow vertically using gingival technology, pegs, etc. If you watch the plant carefully, you can notice that it constantly tends to the surface of the earth, that is, to its natural state. According to IM Maslova, gardener when getting underage and garters receive a very good harvest of tomatoes, but the method proposed by him allows to increase it almost twice on the same area.

How is this explained?

Mainly because you allow the plant to live the life that nature itself intended for it - to spread freely on the surface of the earth. In this regard, it can, as necessary, easily increase the volume of the root system due to a green stem in contact with the soil.

Carefully look at the plant, and then you will notice on the stalk of tomatoes small tubercles or pimples - this is nothing but a rudiment of future roots, which are required for more powerful and rapid development. You can even conduct an experiment. To do this, squeeze a part of the tomato stem to the ground or hang a small feeder filled with nutrient soil mixture to it, and in a short time you will be able to observe how real roots begin to form in the place of contact. They can appear in the air.

Such roots in a very short time are connected to the general system of plant nutrition and thereby increase its fruiting. Thus, the cultivation of tomatoes by the method of I. M. Maslov represents the return of tomatoes to their natural "way of life", which is dictated by nature itself.

Do not forget about the seeds

The choice of a variety is of fundamental importance. Always carefully read the characteristics and description of plants. It is important that they match your climatic conditions. In one article, it is simply impossible to list all varieties, so we will only focus your attention on the most popular large-fruited hybrids that are well suited for growing according to the method of IM Maslov.

"The Ukrainian giant"

This is a fairly yielding grade of medium maturity (110-120 days from shoots to fruiting). The plant is very tall, reaching up to 1.5-2 meters, so if you are not a supporter of these methods, be sure to use the trellis. It is best to cultivate in three stems. The root system of tomatoes of this variety is very powerful, so the soil is required correspondingly - light chernozems with humus, the introduction of mineral complex and phosphoric fertilizers in the first phase of growth. The fruits of the plant are fleshy, weighing up to 600 g, the shape is flat-faced, the color is pale red.

"The Pink Giant"

This is a salad variety of the mid-term maturation period. Its main feature and dignity is a small number of seeds in fruits or in general their complete absence. Fruits are fleshy, have a rounded shape, ribbed, light crimson hue, weighing an average of 400-450 g. They are highly sugary, and when broken or cut, there is practically no juice. The plant grows to 2 meters.


A variety of medium ripening period with a powerful stalk up to 150-170 cm in height. The main shoot has 6-8 brushes, on each of which up to five fruits are formed. Tomatoes of high taste quality, slightly ribbed, bright red, shiny, fleshy. Suitable for processing into juices, pastes, sauces, and also for fresh use.

The Russian Giant

The main advantage of the variety is the fruit. They have the highest specific gravity compared to specimens of similar size from other hybrids. The shape is slightly flattened, rounded, weighing up to 600 g (in a brush up to 4-5 pieces). Tomatoes have high taste qualities, are resistant to cracking. The variety of medium late maturity, the height of the plant reaches 140-180 cm, is resistant to diseases.

Summarizing all written, you can safely say that the cultivation of tomatoes by the method of I. M. Maslov - the occupation is quite simple and unsophisticated, but giving a striking and absolutely stunning result. Many gardeners do not trust this method, but this does not prevent to check its effectiveness, at least for the purpose of experiment, using a few plants first.

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