Food and drinkWines and spirits

Cranberry on cognac is one of the most popular liquors

Cranberry tincture is loved in many families, often the house even has its own special recipe for this drink. The most common liqueur is cranberry on brandy, but sometimes the berry insists on vodka or alcohol. The recipes of this drink can not be counted. Someone makes a tincture with the addition of sugar, and someone loves it not sweet. By the way, if sugar is not added, the drink will have a strong fresh sour. Shelf life of home tincture - no more than 12 months. And leave it better in the fridge.

Recipe "In a hurry"

Tincture "Cranberry on cognac" has long been sold in supermarkets. Also it can be found in smaller stores. One of the most famous beverage manufacturers of this class is Nemyriv. Cranberries on cognac, however, are easily prepared and at home.

There is a way of making tincture, in which you will not have to wait long for the result. The composition is also quite simple. So, the cranberries on cognac are prepared from the cognac itself (0.5 liters), cranberries (250 g), water (2/3 tbsp.) And sugar (2/3 tbsp.).

Cooking process

Dip the berries in boiling water, and then transfer them to the jar. There you also need to send sugar. Take a wooden tolkushku (it can be replaced with a conventional rolling pin) and thoroughly crush the cranberries. Now pour this pounded mass with our strong liquor. Hermetically close the lid with a lid and put it in a warm place for a couple of hours. The resulting tincture must be well filtered, it is best to do this through gauze, folded in several layers.

Next, you should bring the water to a boil, and then cool it to 35-40 degrees. Add it to the drink. Then tincture should be cooled to room temperature. Here, in fact, that's all. Now you can bottled and sent to the refrigerator. This drink can be stored for just over a year.

Delicious drink

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • Cranberry - a little more than a pound.
  • Vodka - 1 glass.
  • Cognac - two glasses.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Sugar is a pound.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  • Carnation - a pair of buds.
  • Honey - 60 grams.

How to cook

The berries should be thoroughly washed and put into a saucepan. To fall asleep a cranberry with sugar and to press down a little that the berries gave juice. Now you can forget about cooking for a day. Simply cover the container and transfer it to a warm place.

In a day you can start preparing the berry syrup. In the already prepared mixture add purified water, you can even use distilled. Mix well and put on a plate. After the syrup boils, pour it into the jar and insist for at least three more days. At the end of this time, strain the infusion through gauze. Next, cleaned liquid mixed with cognac, and squeezed berries - with vodka.

Two small secretions with big consequences

From these small tricks depends on the quality of the drink and your health the next day after using the tincture:

  • When you mix alcohol with water, pour it into the water. On the contrary, it should not be done.
  • Quality of alcoholic beverages on which the product will be infused. With cognac everything is simple: it is better to take alcohol is not the cheapest, but too high a class of this drink is not necessary at all. But with vodka it's better to be more careful. Ideally here to use grape vodka or chachu. The thing is that Chacha not only has a pleasant aftertaste and a fruity aroma, but also one base with cognac, namely grape alcohol. This is the guarantee of an easy head and good health instead of a hangover. But if this moment is not the key for making tinctures, then you can use ordinary vodka.

Berries with vodka and syrup with cognac are laid out on different banks and insisted for about two weeks. But just do not put the jars in the cellar, they should be in a warm place. After the process of infusion has come to an end, it will be necessary to drain the liquid from the berries and mix it with the alcohol syrup. For a more vivid taste in the tincture add honey, cinnamon and cloves. All thoroughly mixed and insisted for at least another month. And only after that, cranberries on cognac are considered ready. Such alcoholic infusion can be stored in a cool place for up to 18 months. Of the above ingredients, about 1.5 liters of tincture comes out, the strength of which is 20 to 22 degrees.

Cranberry on cognac from the store

Now many manufacturers of spirits began to make their favorite tincture. But the most famous and best-selling for many years is "Nemiroff". Cranberries on brandy of this brand are very popular.

This alcoholic drink consumes not only the weaker sex, many men also prefer it to stronger products. To get the most from the tincture, it is necessary to cool it well before drinking and drink in very small sips.

But do not overuse cranberry tincture, as, indeed, any other liquor. Since the taste of this liqueur is incredibly pleasant, and the degree is almost not felt, it seems that it does not cause significant harm to health. But these sensations are very deceptive.

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