
Collapse: first aid (algorithm)

In the modern world there are so many different diseases that sometimes you do not even suspect what kind of problem you will overtake at the next stage of your life. There are diseases that are very dangerous for our body, and sometimes life. In some cases, with serious complications, collapse may occur, emergency care will be required urgently to save a person's life.

What is the collapse

With many diseases, a disturbance can occur in the work of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the regulation of the vascular tone. In such situations, acute vascular insufficiency may develop .

During the collapse, the pressure drops, as the paresis of small vessels comes. The volume of blood moving along them, sharply decreases, the blood flow slows down. This leads to the fact that the brain ceases to receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. The same goes for the heart muscle.

In this state, blood supply to the entire body is disrupted, which leads to a metabolic disorder. Not only neural-reflux disorders can lead to vascular insufficiency, but also toxic substances of protein nature. This is usually the case with infectious diseases, for example, pneumonia, typhus, during a heart attack or severe blood loss.

Types of collapse

Depending on the clinic and pathogenesis, the collapse is divided into three types:

  1. Sympathotonic. This form of collapse is accompanied by an increased tone of the sympathetic part of the nervous system, which leads to spasm of the arteries throughout the body. The systolic pressure in such situations is normal or slightly elevated, and the diastolic pressure is high. If such a collapse is observed, urgent care is needed urgently so as not to earn more serious complications.
  2. Vagotonic collapse. With this condition, the parasympathetic system comes in tone. Arteries, on the contrary, expand, diastolic pressure decreases, bradycardia is observed. The cause of this condition is fright, fainting, hypoglycemic coma.
  3. Paralytic. Most often, with severe depletion of the mechanisms that are responsible for the regulation of blood circulation. The vessels expand, the pressure drops, and collapse comes, the emergency help comes down to normalizing, first of all, blood pressure.

Causes of collapse

To cause such a state as collapse, there are many reasons:

  • Severe hemorrhage after trauma, internal bleeding.
  • Many infectious diseases, for example, hepatitis, scarlet fever, pneumonia.
  • Girls have a period of puberty.
  • In the case when a patient, lying for a long time, tries to stand up sharply.
  • Dehydration.
  • Electric shock.
  • Heatstroke.
  • The effects of ionizing radiation, especially in high doses.
  • Poisoning by food or some medicines.

If as a result of the listed reasons there is a collapse, the urgent help will depend on them. In each case, the actions will be different.

Signs of collapse

As a rule, recognizing the collapse is not difficult. Its manifestations are usually clear and vivid, so it is almost impossible to mix with other diseases. The main symptoms of the collapse include the following:

  • Sharp deterioration of a person's condition.
  • A strong and sudden headache.
  • Noise in ears.
  • In the eyes it gets dark.
  • Weakness in the body.
  • Unpleasant feelings appear in the heart.
  • Sharp decrease in pressure.
  • Skin pale, and there is a cold sweat.
  • There is a bluish tint of nails, skin on the hands and feet.
  • The facial features are sharpened.
  • Breathing becomes frequent and superficial.
  • The body temperature decreases.
  • The pulse is threadlike and difficult to feel.
  • Often there is a loss of consciousness.

Immediate relief in case of collapse should be made immediately to remove the person from this condition as soon as possible.

Symptoms of collapse in children

The children's organism is much more aware of any malfunctions in its work, so the onset of collapse can be accurately recorded. Symptoms are usually the following:

  • To the child it becomes very bad.
  • He is listless, he is not interested in the world around him.
  • The skin becomes pale, covered with a cold sweat.
  • There is cyanosis of the lips.
  • A faint pulse can barely be felt.
  • Usually tachycardia, but there may be a bradycardia.
  • Sharply decreases blood pressure.
  • Children may have convulsions due to hypoxia.

In such situations, emergency aid is urgently needed in case of collapse in children.

First Aid for Collapse

It may be that your loved one will need help with the collapse. From this, no one is immune, therefore, everyone should have elementary skills in providing it. Algorithm for emergency care in case of collapse, although voluminous, but it is quite possible to remember anyone.

  1. Call the ambulance.
  2. In case of such an attack, the patient should be put on his back on a flat surface.
  3. Unbutton the top buttons on the clothes, if any.
  4. In the room it is desirable to open the window to allow more fresh air.
  5. Legs can be raised slightly to increase the flow of blood to the head.
  6. Since there is a decrease in body temperature, the patient must be warmed with a warmer.
  7. Bring to the nose a tampon moistened in ammonia.
  8. Enter 0.1% solution of "Adrenaline", 0.5% solution of "Ephedrine".
  9. If the collapse is caused by severe bleeding, then it must be stopped.
  10. Patient provide complete peace.
  11. In case of cardiac arrest, indirect heart massage should be performed in conjunction with artificial respiration.

We examined what constitutes a collapse. Emergency assistance, the algorithm for conducting it - these issues were also touched upon by us, but there are other points that must be taken into account.

It is forbidden at a collapse

If it is required to provide first aid to a person in case of collapse, this does not mean that all means are good. There are things that can not be done:

  1. In no case should the patient be given heart drugs, as they dilate the blood vessels.
  2. During a loss of consciousness, you should not try to pour a little water into your mouth or shove a pill.
  3. Also it is not recommended to resort to the help of slaps in order to bring a person into feelings.

Most often, the account in such situations goes on for minutes, so even before the arrival of an ambulance, competent emergency care should be provided in case of fainting and collapse.

Drug therapy during the collapse

Arriving ambulance will certainly take the patient to the hospital. Within its walls, assistance will be provided, but already with the use of medicines. First of all, intravenous injections of "Sodium Chloride" are prescribed. The amount of the drug is determined by the patient's condition. The doctor pays attention to the following symptoms:

  • The human condition and the totality of all indicators.
  • Color nasolabial triangle: if it is too pale, then the vasodilator will need more.
  • Diuresis.
  • The amount of blood pressure.
  • Heart rate.

As an additional therapy appoint:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, "Metipred", "Prednisolone".
  • Intravenous vasopressor drugs are administered.
  • For a quick withdrawal of spasm, Novokain is administered.

After the patient's condition is normal, they start treating the disease that triggered the collapse. It must always be remembered: if your loved one happens to collapse, the emergency help you give him can save his life. That is why everyone should know the list of necessary actions during such a situation. Health to all, let such situations never happen in your life.

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