BeautySkin care

Cosmetic Facial Massage

At the age of 25 - 30 years, the facial skin loses its former elasticity. This is due to age changes, and under the influence of various external factors, including weather conditions. The muscles of the face without proper exercises can become sluggish, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of wrinkles and wrinkles. All this can be avoided if you do facial massage.

Of course, the procedures should be regular, then the effect will be really on the face.

Cosmetic facial massage is a procedure that can prevent skin from wilting, normalize metabolism, give the skin the ability to breathe, resulting in the strengthening of tissues. Thanks to him, the skin retains its youth and elasticity for a long time. Cosmetic facial massage helps to eliminate toxins, smooth wrinkles, and remove puffiness in the skin. The fact is that with massage, the skin temperature rises, which improves its blood circulation, nutrition.

With cosmetic massage, all touches to the skin are very cautious and gentle, without strong pressure on the skin. She must get used to the massage, so the first procedures last long and are fairly sparing. And after the habituation begins a stronger impact. Depending on the type of skin, various cosmetics and types of massage are used. With oily skin, it is possible to use powder or talc, and for dry - moisturizing cream. In cosmetic salons, it is possible to use creams, selected individually for the client, that can improve the skin condition. A can of facial massage will help smooth out the relief of the problem skin and mixed type.

Before cosmetic massage the skin must be cleaned of cosmetic products and all kinds of contaminants. For this, the person is washed first with soap and then wiped with lotion or herbal decoction. You can also do a steam bath before the face massage, which allows you to soften your skin well enough and clean it.

Distinguish hygienic (preventive), plastic and therapeutic cosmetic facial massage.

Hygienic facial massage

This kind of cosmetic massage is used to relieve tension from the facial muscles, it helps to increase the elasticity of the skin. After a hygienic massage the headaches disappear, the nasal sinuses are cleared. Assign it to the wrinkled and fading skin of the face.

The effect of hygienic massage appears after 20 sessions (with an interval of one day), each of which lasts 15 minutes.

For such a massage, a high sensitivity of the fingers of the massage therapist is necessary, the movements of the hands of which must be synchronous.

Facial plastic massage

This is a kind of non-surgical face lifting, where the master recreates the contours of the face with precise massage movements. With this massage, a young oval face is preserved , a significant improvement in the complexion, a smoothing of certain wrinkles.

The masseur stimulates the muscles of the face, restoring their tone, so that they are able to take the same forms.

The plastic massage lasts an average of about 20 minutes, consists of 15 sessions with an interval of two or three days, depending on the patient's age. It is also possible to alternate plastic massage with a hygienic to achieve maximum effect.

Facial massage

The use of therapeutic massage is recommended for people with diseases or injuries of the skin, facial nerve (including due to any surgical interventions), as well as for the prevention of skin aging. With a therapeutic massage knead facial muscles, improving their blood supply. As a result of this massage, the face acquires a healthy and youthful appearance, the post-operative scars are smoothed. On average, such a massage lasts 10 - 15 minutes.

In addition to these types of cosmetic massage, distinguish some massage techniques, for example, Jacquet massage, Japanese cosmetic, French massage with lymphatic drainage. In addition, you can successfully massage your face at home.

Here are a few tips for conducting a simple massage at home.

  1. We prepare the skin of the face and neck for massage: we treat it with lotion, remove the remains of cosmetics.
  2. All movements must be carried out along the lines of the least stretching of the skin: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears, etc.
  3. Further it is necessary to warm the skin, which will relax the muscles of the face. You can do this with a towel soaked in hot water. He is put on his face for a few minutes.
  4. Then we apply the cream on the face, again observing the lines of the least stretching of the skin.
  5. On these lines we carry out light movements with the tips of the fingers of the line, lightly massaging the skin. The simplest massage of the face consists of stroking movements. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes.
  6. In the end, it is recommended to wipe the skin with an ice cube of herbal decoction.

If you seriously approached the issue of improving the health and appearance of your face, then, of course, cosmetic massage is an excellent choice. It is better to contact professionals who will select the appropriate type of massage for you, determine the duration and number of necessary procedures, which in aggregate will give excellent results that will please you for a long time.

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