HealthDiseases and Conditions

Congenital hip dislocation: timely identification of the problem

For a very long time in modern medicine, the erroneous opinion prevailed that the congenital dislocation of the hip is due to the sad consequence of the careless actions of midwives in the process of childbirth. Of course, one should not rule out negligence and inexperience of doctors, but such cases are single, but in most clinical pictures this anomaly is intrauterine, that is, it is formed in the fetus in the womb of the mother under the influence of a number of pathological factors.

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify that the congenital dislocation of the hip is represented by one of the most severe pathologies in children in the field of orthopedics. The presumptive diagnosis is put still in the hospital with the presence of characteristic symptoms, but it is important to clarify that only a clinical study can confirm it or fundamentally disprove it. Today, it is possible to achieve the fullest recovery with the timely long and persistent treatment, which is advisable to begin with the first days of life. The patient is considered absolutely healthy, if the complete restoration of the function and structure of the hip is observed on the X-ray.

If to judge the causes of this pathological process, it should be noted that several basic factors that contribute to its aggravation are singled out. One of the pathogenic causes is the so-called vice of the primary bookmark, that is, the abnormal development of the hip joint and the muscle mass surrounding it, the other is the delay in the development of the fetus during intrauterine life, as a result of hormone and vitamin metabolism. Also, the genetic factor is not excluded, that is, there is a hereditary predisposition to this disease.

Congenital dislocation of the hip joint has its own characteristic symptoms, the manifestation of which should alarm the watchful parents, who in turn should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

1. Symptom of a perceptible click.

2. Limited hip withdrawal.

3. Asymmetry of the gluteal folds.

4. Shortening of one of the extremities.

5. External rotation of the foot.

In any case, these are just alarming signals for parents, the final diagnosis can be made by a specialist only by ultrasound (at the age of up to 3 months) and x-rays (at the age of 3 months), and it should be clarified that the X-ray image gives a more accurate representation About the prevailing clinical picture.

Congenital dislocation of the hip in children, in whatever form it appears, requires immediate treatment. In modern orthopedics, there are two ways to solve this problem: surgical and conservative, but which one should be preferred only by the leading orthopedist, judging by the degree of complexity and form of the disease, and also based on the characteristics of the child's body.

If the disease is diagnosed on time, then the conservative method is very productive. A small patient is prescribed a complex of massage, paraffin, wraps, therapeutic gymnastics, and also he is individually selected orthopedic tire, which allows to hold the legs of the baby in the position of the bend in the knee and hip joints at an angle of ninety degrees (at right angles) and lead in the hip joints Contributes to their proper formation and development.

If we talk about the operable method, it is appropriate only in the case when the congenital dislocation of the hip for a long time did not give in to treatment and prevails in neglected form. It is also appropriate when conservative treatment has proved to be useless.

Unequivocally, one thing is clear: congenital dislocation of the hip requires accurate diagnosis and productive treatment, which can fully restore the efficiency of the once-diseased joint.

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