EducationThe science

Computer Linguistics

Computer linguistics is gradually exhausting itself. This conclusion is accompanied by unsuccessful research in the field of "highly intellectual" information products, conducted during half a century. We are talking about automated adequate translations or searching for information in terms of the meaning in documentary arrays in a specific language.

In itself, the processing of any texts can be done only with the use of super-linguistic technologies that are able to analyze information at the level of understanding the basic meaning as an ordinary person.

Computer linguistics together with cybernetics, unfortunately, could not invent a perfect machine translation or create an "intelligent" dialog system. Scientific and technological progress has put everything in its place. And scientists working at that time were able to prove that the solution to the problem of "machine thinking" can be realized only with a full understanding of the procedure for the work of natural consciousness. And only in this case, researchers will be able to subject all thinking procedures to computer algorithmization. In other words, automatic processing of information will contribute to a new presentation of human thinking.

At comprehension of any message people never compare the received information with models and concepts of behavior of images which are in memory. With each model received, a person in memory finds a correspondence in the accumulated experience, and only then, with a further rethinking of the text, begins to specify and refine the information received. In contrast to the foregoing, computer linguistics is aimed at establishing the exact correspondence of the meanings of words, while trying to overcome the problematic question of the ambiguity of instrumentals in the form of words that are inherent in any language. This is what distinguishes this concept from the action of human thinking. There is an opinion that a person understands the text or speech not at the expense of special knowledge of morphological loads or the establishment of syntax between words, but through initial associative assumptions to form a picture of perceived information in accordance with its internal content.

In close interaction with the computer, mathematical linguistics is used, which is a discipline responsible for developing a formal apparatus for describing artificial and natural languages. This subject of study arose in the 20 th century with the aim of clarifying the basic concepts of linguistics. The basis was laid down the basic methods and ideas of algebra and mathematical programming. Close interaction with the linguistics of this discipline is confirmed by the use of a mathematical apparatus in linguistic studies.

For the first time the mathematical description of the language was substantiated by F. de Saussure, who introduced language as a mechanism that functions in speech activity through its carriers. As a result of this activity, so-called "correct texts" can be obtained, representing a sequence of speech units and are subject to general laws that can be described using mathematical expressions.

One of the structural parts of mathematical linguistics is the theory of formal grammars, which was created by N. Chomsky. This theory allows us to describe the patterns that characterize not every text individually, but a complete set of correct texts. At this stage, computer linguistics can be used quite successfully, which can build a kind of mechanism called "formal grammar", which will allow using the special procedure to form the correct texts of the studied language together with a description of its structure.

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