Education, Secondary education and schools
Composition on the topic "Profession" how to write?
The composition on the topic "Profession" is a work that is written in many schools. But what is its feature? The fact that this is not just an essay, but also a serious reflection that the student will have.
The main task
Children before high school are poorly aware of the duties of a person who has this or that specialty. They do not know that accountants have to make estimates, architects - draw complex drawings, photographers - adjust the balance of colors and look for a profitable perspective, and teachers - at night prepare for the upcoming lesson. But they know for sure that doctors save lives, teachers carry knowledge to the masses, and miners are engaged in very dangerous work.
The main task of such a composition is to expand the pupil's knowledge of existing professions. Perhaps in the process of preparation he learns a whole list of new specialties, about the existence of which he had never even suspected. Of course, most often the essay is set to write directly at the lesson, without warning, but if it is possible to prepare, it should be used. Perhaps studying a specialty, a schoolboy will find his vocation, thus determining what he might be doing in the future. So an essay on "Profession" is more than just writing a text.
Plan and structure
As in any other written work, here there are specific features and principles by which it must be implemented. At a minimum, the student should have a small plan with sketches of what he wants to write. Having such a "hint", it turns out faster to concentrate and cope with the task.
The structure must also be observed. No one begins the narrative from the middle of the text, with a climax. No author will complete his publication with the phrase, which should be in the beginning. So you need to build your thoughts on a certain principle. Otherwise it will not be an essay, but a meaningless set of words and phrases.
Introduction and main part
So, the first part is introductory. This is an original invitation of the author to the conversation, addressed to his interlocutor (that is, the reader). In the introduction, you need to identify the problem (or, as in this case, the topic). It is also desirable that the author show his vision. This is perhaps the most difficult and important part. In the introduction you need to be intrigued and carried away. That is why it should be as concise and informative as possible. You can start like this: "All people are engaged in something in life, each of us has or will have his own profession, and maybe even own business." There are hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of specialties in the world - and they are all so different. Every professional has his duties, the doctor will not do what the engineer does, just like the artist will not be interested in the taxi driver's activity. "
And then, after such a beginning, which immediately shows that in the main part we will expect reasoning with elements of analytics and descriptions, we can proceed to the main thing. The essay on the topic "Profession" should begin to be carried out, having previously thought over what exactly I want to say. It is unlikely that all students in a row will write about veterinarians or sellers. Everyone will necessarily allocate for themselves what is closer to him. By the way, this is another nuance, which is interesting for this type of work - it is always fascinating to read the opinions of different people, especially if they are children whose thoughts are not tainted by stereotypes and stereotypes.
Choose the most important thing
Speaking about specialties, a child can choose for himself something one important, and continue to write about it. And so it will be right - everything is better than he would "pour water", because he does not know how to express his thoughts on this or that occasion. If he wants to write an essay on "The profession of a doctor" - why not? By the way, in the primary classes this name is most often found in children's essays.
The composition on the topic "Profession of a doctor" is so popular because these specialists are engaged in a very serious matter - they save people's lives. For most children, this is the most important thing in childhood. Doctors help others, save them the most precious things that they have - the opportunity to live, enjoy the sun, the clear sky, hear the singing of birds.
Non-standard approach
More students often write an essay on the topic "Profession - teacher." How to make the discussion interesting? After all, everyone knows that popular topics are already becoming boring. Well, maybe. But only the topic. But thoughts - never. No matter how jaded the topic, there is always a person who will say this as no one before him could say.
Of course, it is difficult for schoolchildren to understand, but they should at least reflect on it. And to begin writing of this kind is not with the words "I believe that the profession of the teacher is very difficult ...", but more unusual. If you immediately express your opinion, then the intrigue will immediately disappear. Immediately it will be clear that the story will go on how the work of the teacher is tough.
It is better to start with questions. "What do all people do from time immemorial? What are they busy with? What was relevant at all times, whether it be the Middle Ages or our days? Right - we all strive to learn something, discover something new and learn. But not everything in our lives can be known Simply, Science can not be picked up spontaneously, it can be comprehended by taking experience from more wise and knowledgeable people. "Teachers."
Fresh, interesting, original - and what else is needed in order to interest the reader for further acquaintance with the text? In this way, we will make an essay on the topic "Profession - Teacher" unusual, especially if you reinforce your words with arguments, arguments and personal observations. It was always appreciated.
Summing up and conclusions
Well, the composition on the topic "Profession" - the work is not simple. It requires attentiveness, observation, an original approach and the presence of one's own thoughts about several specialties. After all, as they say, everything is learned in comparison. A child can write an essay on the topic "Favorite profession" only if he knows what different specialties are (journalist, engineer, choreographer, cook, etc.) and can choose for himself what is closer to him and More interesting. Many schoolchildren do not take this kind of work seriously, although it would be worthwhile to understand what they want to do next.
By the way, you can also write an essay on the topic "Profession of parents." This is the easiest, since the child from childhood observes what his mom and dad are doing. There is no need to study anything extra - knowledge and so much is enough.
How to finish the composition best? As easy as pie. Let's say a schoolboy wrote about how he likes the profession of an engineer. It is possible to finish it approximately like this: "An engineer is the best specialty for me, but all the professions that exist are complex and, most importantly, necessary." We can not live without doctors, without teachers, salesmen, taxi drivers, realtors, economists - all They contribute a part of themselves to the development of our society. And this is the most important thing. "
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