LawState and Law

Compensation for the funeral: the amount of payments in 2017, the order of registration and other details

Troubles with the funeral pushed to the last place the issue of benefits to the relatives of the deceased. Most people pay their own funeral: someone has a certain amount of money that he spends on burial, and someone draws up a loan, takes a loan. In any case, the government provides compensation for the funeral. She will not cover all expenses, but will return at least some of the money spent.

Who can receive benefits?

In those cases when the deceased was buried at his own expense, relatives are entitled to compensation for the funeral. It can count on:

  • Spouses;
  • Legal representatives of the deceased;
  • Relatives and other persons who accepted burial duties.

If the deceased was buried at the expense of the state, compensation for the funeral is not granted.

Types of benefits

According to the law, the relatives of the deceased are entitled to benefits. They are common and specialized. The first type includes payments that are made after the submission of the package of necessary documents to the institution. If death occurred in a special case provided for by law, then the relatives of the deceased are entitled to special allowances.

General types of payments include:

  • Compensation for burial;
  • The appointment of a pension for the loss of a nurse;
  • Lump sum payment.

The specialized ones include:

  • Payment of insurance;
  • Payments on deferred deposits;
  • If death is due to the fault of a third person, compensation is entitled;
  • Receipt of unpaid wages or pensions.

Benefits for burial and other types of payments are made in different institutions.

Where to get the allowance

Most people do not even know where to get compensation for a funeral. The body that will make the payment is determined on the basis of the status of the deceased:

  1. If he was a non-working pensioner, even if he retired early, the payment is made in the Pension Fund.
  2. If worked, then the employer pays compensation.
  3. If the deceased is under 14 years of age, the payment is made by the social insurance authorities. They also pay compensation for the burial of the stillborn.
  4. Benefits for unemployed deceased citizens are paid from the federal budget or by local government.
  5. Military compensation is paid to the military registration and enlistment office, as well as compensation for military pensioners, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, firemen, employees of the tax service.

In the event that the relatives do not have the opportunity to bury the deceased at their own expense, then all the costs are borne by the state.

Terms of receipt of compensation

To receive benefits, you must apply with a package of documents to one of these authorities. Cash will be transferred immediately, on the day of appeal. And you can make out the allowance within six months from the date of the death of a citizen.

Documents for processing benefits

To receive payment, you need to know how to get compensation for the funeral. Help with funerals is in different versions:

  1. Payment of compensation. In this form, the monetary allowance is paid to the relatives of the deceased or to other persons who have assumed all funeral expenses.
  2. In the natural version. This method involves providing a place for burial, transportation, coffins and other attributes required for funerals.

To get any kind of help, you need to prepare a set of papers that will confirm the fact of death. In different cases it is necessary to provide various documents for compensation of funerals. You may need:

  • Document proving the death of a citizen (certificate or death certificate);
  • employment history;
  • Documents confirming the registration of the deceased (certificate, passport with residence permit, etc.);
  • Passport of the applicant;
  • Accounts for rendering ritual services.

Other types of documents may be required. The final list is provided by an institution that will pay money.

Compensation for the funeral of a pensioner is made easier. To do this, it is necessary to provide information to the Pension Fund about the applicant and a document confirming the fact of death.

The amount of benefits

Knowing how to get compensation for a funeral, you can count on financial support in the following amounts (for 2017):

  • The federal allowance is 5562 rubles;
  • A surcharge due to the regional coefficient (in each region it has its own);
  • Compensation to the relatives of the deceased pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is up to three monthly pensions.

Now consider burial compensation in some regions.

In Moscow, the supplement to the federal payment is 11,000 rubles. Total for the funeral will return about 17,000.

In Ufa, the surcharge is almost a thousand rubles. In Nizhny Novgorod there is no coefficient.

As can be seen from the presented example, there is not always a surcharge.

Life Insurance Payment

If the deceased was voluntarily insured, then his relatives can receive an insurance payment. To do this, you need to find a policy, then you should write an application to the insurance company about the occurrence of the case. After that you can expect a payment to the account.

In connection with the funeral, you often have to take leave at work. Many employers give an opportunity to take time off on account of the next paid vacation. But there are those who do not give it. In this case, they violate the law providing for Article 128 of the TC to receive a holiday for up to five calendar days at their own expense to organize burial. After the funeral and obtaining a certificate of death, immediately, without delay, prepare documents for submission to the relevant institution for compensation.

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