Spiritual developmentAstrology

Compatibility Capricorn and Aries

Compatibility Capricorn and Aries is very conditional - these are so different signs that it will not be easy to reach mutual understanding. Capricorn inherent slowness and making informed decisions, while Aries lives, literally burning: chaotically and swiftly. Therefore, it is most often associated with a comet that disappears on the horizon.

The personal life of this couple is often built only on a dry basis. And most often it suits both: Capricorn knows how to earn well, and Aries is just as good to spend. Harmony in marriage directly depends on who will be chosen by the leader and how the responsibilities between partners will be distributed. Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Aries-Capricorn is due to mutual understanding and only to them. Therefore, all efforts must be made to achieve it. Compromise is everything that the spouses should remember. However, even general complacency is not always a guarantee of a happy marriage, all because they have too different temperaments and attitudes. Aries - born choleric, Capricorn - pessimist, he considers his partner too frank and too risky. Under favorable circumstances, this union can ennoble both Capricorn and Aries. One will finally be able to part with his gloomy outlook on life, and the second will become more sedate and wise. This, of course, will affect the life together, because partners will thus be able to find some common ground.

Compatibility Capricorn and Aries still depends on whether they have a common goal, which both can get carried away. And this goal can belong to absolutely any sphere of life: family, creativity, work. In this case, representatives of the zodiac signs begin to move in one direction, not paying attention to the characteristics of each other's character. Both of them should be attentive, because as soon as the target disappears, the union can quickly disintegrate. And, as a rule, the first person wants this to be a representative of the fiery element. Love horoscope Aries-Capricorn is not too encouraging. But still the marriage will be stronger if each of the spouses takes on a certain role and will strictly adhere to it.

Sexual relations of Capricorn and Aries are also difficult. Capricorns are inherent in making love, often without showing any imagination, they prefer classics in the truest sense of the word. Aries from this state of affairs often suffers, and if he does not manage to awaken the partner's libido, most likely he will seek satisfaction on the side.

In the business sphere, everything is much simpler. Aries on the move to the goal, Capricorn also plans all his actions for a long time, pondering and weighing every decision. These qualities of the zodiac signs perfectly complement each other: one - a theorist, the second - a practitioner. And not every Aries will notice that in the hands of a more intelligent and sedate Capricorn sometimes becomes just a pawn and a victim of manipulation. However, often this situation suits both, because the main result is the achievement of the goals.

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