Law, State and Law
Citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified procedure for Ukrainians (2014)
Currently, Russia has a large number of immigrants from neighboring countries, especially from Ukraine. The fact is that the process of legalization in the country of citizens of other states is very complex, consisting of several stages, requires compliance with certain conditions of the migration service and the existence of iron grounds for entering into citizenship. At the same time, the integration period can be from 7 to 10 years. But as a result of the revision of migration legislation and the introduction of amendments into it, certain categories of citizens of the CIS have the opportunity to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner.
Stages of becoming a citizen of Russia in the general regime
The standard procedure for obtaining a Russian passport is prescribed in the Constitution and includes several mandatory steps. That is why many are concerned with the question: how to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2014? Ukraine no longer has rights to the Crimean peninsula, although it does not recognize this. In this regard, many residents were able to quickly obtain Russian citizenship.
Visitors go through several stages of legalization:
- Obtaining the status of a temporary resident.
- Residence.
- Passport of the Russian Federation.
In the accelerated program, the stages are modified. A foreign citizen writes an application to the authorized body and provides a full list of grounds for integration. All documents are provided with certified copies. If necessary, a special sign is placed - an apostille. Receive a RWP (permission for temporary residence) is not required, a visitor immediately submits papers for a residence permit. Residents of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol, who are registered at their place of residence in this locality, receive a residence permit for 6 days. The term of legalization as a whole is also decreasing.
Migration card
This is a document that absolutely all visitors from other countries receive when crossing the border of Russia at the customs. It is a sheet that is filled by the foreigner himself and the customs officers. Some attach little importance to this paper, which is very reckless.
For those applying for Russian citizenship in a simplified procedure or in general, the migration card is an obligatory document provided to the FMAMS. It is important to know that it is being filled in Russian. However, there is an easing for those who do not speak Russian at all. They are allowed to fill in their native language (but as a rule, applicants for citizenship must master the state language at a good level).
When completing the migration card, it is important to indicate in the column: "purpose of visit" - to obtain Russian citizenship. In a simplified procedure in 2014 for Ukraine (or rather, for its former citizens) and visitors from other countries, the Russian passport was made possible after the revision of the legislation. If the goal is different, the migration department employees will not accept the documents for consideration. The validity period of this paper is 90 days, after which the re-registration is required.
Temporary residence
It is required for everyone who intends to stay in Russia for more than three months, and when obtaining citizenship is a necessary stage of integration. A RWP is a confirmation that a foreign resident or a stateless person is legally resident in the country. It gives the right to live only in one of the regions for not more than three years (usually in where the registration took place). For those who receive Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, 2014 was the moment of the revision of Russian legislation regarding the abolition of this stage.
The document is not renewed, but every year a foreign citizen confirms the right to reside in the country. To do this, a full report on the life of a foreigner in the country, tax payments and income. Annulled in the event of a long absence of an alien in the territory of the Russian Federation, loss of employment or the commission of more than two administrative offenses within one year. RVP for foreigners looks like a seal, which is put on the national passport. For a person who does not have citizenship, a separate document with a photograph and information about him (in fact, replaces the identity card) is drawn up.
This document is issued to foreign nationals and stateless persons on the basis of a temporary permit, before applying for Russian citizenship. A citizen of Ukraine, in a simplified order receiving the status of a subject, this document is necessary.
Apply for a residence permit is necessary in advance. The validity of the temporary permit at the time of application is more than 6 months. Permanent permission gives many opportunities for foreign nationals: to work, to receive education, to open IP, to use banking services in Russia. However, it has one significant drawback - the validity of this document is limited (5 years).
Citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified procedure (2014) for Ukrainians provides for preferential registration of a residence permit within two months. In the general regime, the term is much longer, from 1 year. In addition, it is not required to receive a RWP and live for some time on the territory of the state.
The residence permit is a separate document. It contains information about the owner, the validity of the permit, the basis for issuance, information about the authority in which the document was drawn up. If there is a violation of Russian law, the presence of a criminal record with the owner, the absence of a report to the tax inspection or the migration department (at the end of each year) in the territory of the country for more than 6 months, the absence of a permanent income for more than 180 days is the reason for the cancellation of the issued permit and the deportation of a foreign citizen.
Passport of Russia
Is it possible to obtain Russian citizenship gr. Ukraine in a simplified manner (2014 changes in legislation) depends on individual circumstances: the presence of relatives in the country, permanent registration on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula or the city of Sevastopol and so on.
Entry into citizenship is possible only after 5 years of residence in the country, passing the language test, providing the necessary set of documents to the FMAMS. The procedure (in the general order) may take about one year, so you must apply before the expiry of the residence permit expires.
Citizenship of the Russian Federation is simplified in a few months. For this, you need to have certain grounds. In this case, foreigners may not take the exam for knowledge of the Russian language, instead they are interviewed in the department of the FMAMS. Also they are not subject to the compulsory rule: to live in Russia for at least 5-7 years. They may not have an official job and do not confirm income.
Differences between accelerated and general conditions
First of all, it is important to know the difference between the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship from the standard. The bottom line is that the general regime provides for the issuance of residence permit and entry into citizenship within the current quota. That is, a foreign citizen submits an application and waits until a free quota for him appears and the procedure for registering his new citizenship begins. Nobody knows when the quota will appear, because the government annually provides a certain number of quotas for each region. That is, if in 2016 the applicant does not get a quota, he will be able to enter citizenship only in the next year.
Citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified order-2014 for Ukrainians and other visitors from the CIS suggests the beginning of the process of legalization of a foreign citizen, regardless of the availability of quotas. Due to this, the processing time is reduced by several times. However, in order to undergo the procedure under the simplified program, the immigrant must provide the necessary grounds. If the grounds on one of the stages of integration lose their force, the foreign citizen loses privileges. He will have to go through all the standard stages of acquiring a new status, which are provided for all visitors from other states.
Who can obtain Russian citizenship in the simplified order of 2014?
Earlier, citizenship was drawn up very long and included a multi-year stage of residence in Russia, as well as other conditions. Due to changes in the legislation, many visitors were interested in the question of which categories of citizens are entitled to apply for a simplified procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship?
In order to qualify for citizenship in 2014, in addition to the current quota, one must meet one of the following categories of citizens:
- Highly qualified specialists in demand in Russia (doctors, engineers, architects and others).
- Outstanding personalities who have merit in sports, acting or on the world stage.
- Scientists who immigrate for the purpose of scientific activities in Russia.
- Native speakers of the Russian language.
- Descendants along the descending line of Russian citizens.
- Residents of the former USSR (or rather of the part where the Russian Federation is located in 2016).
- Wealthy investors ready to invest in the Russian economy, open a business, provide citizens with new jobs.
- Political refugees.
- Spouses of Russian citizens who have been married for more than three years.
- The restoration of lost for some reason the citizenship of the Russian Federation in the past.
- Foreigners who studied at Russian universities.
- Former military or those who served in the ranks of the Russian army on call or contract for more than three years.
Citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified procedure for citizens of Ukraine provides for entry into the Russian citizenship in a shorter time (depending on individual circumstances).
Accelerated procedure
In 2014, the basic principle of entering into Russian citizenship was changed in a simplified manner. For citizens of Ukraine it consists in the following:
- Reduction of the periods of necessary residence in Russia for application.
- Elimination of the stage of obtaining a temporary residence permit.
- In some cases, there is no need to pay a state fee and a consular fee.
- For some citizens it is possible to issue special visas to enter the country and obtain a new status.
In 2014, the conditions for the entry into the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified procedure changed. It is necessary to apply to the department of the Federal Migration Service, with all the documents, application and grounds for passing the process outside the established quotas.
List of required papers and certificates
Before obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified order, you need to collect the entire package of documents. Preparing papers, confirming the grounds, copies and other things to start the process is a very important stage. The fact is that an incorrectly written statement, a lack of any information, errors in the design - all this may serve as an excuse for refusing to accept documents. This will lead to the fact that the term of legalization may increase, or integration will become impossible.
What documents are submitted to the migration service (or embassy):
- Statement. To be completed in block letters in Russian, in duplicate. It does not allow corrections.
- National passport. A notarized translation is attached to it.
- Photos of the established format 3.5 * 4.5.
- A certificate confirming the availability of income (it is not required for immigrants under the program "Compatriots" and a simplified form).
- Certificate of non-conviction (required absolutely by everyone).
- The paid state duty is 3500 rubles (some citizens are exempt from it).
- Certificate of passing the exam for knowledge of the Russian language. Native speakers and Russian students confirm the knowledge of Russian at the interview.
- Renunciation of previous citizenship. Settlers from countries bound by an international agreement on dual citizenship (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) are not required.
- Birth certificate.
- Documents on education and copies of the employment contract (if any).
- Documents for minors and incompetent relatives.
All documents of the foreigner must be provided in conjunction with translations notarized by an apostille.
The procedure for the restoration of citizenship
At the moment, the simplified procedure for accepting Russian citizenship is available to former Russians who have lost citizenship for some reason. Recovery is carried out according to standard rules, while the necessary period of permanent residence is reduced to three years.
Together with the statement, the former Russian provides a standard list of papers and a waiver of the existing citizenship. In addition, it requires proof of the presence in the past of Russian citizenship (confirmation of kinship with Russian citizens, information on the voluntary withdrawal from citizenship). Recovery takes place without passing exams on language proficiency and proof of income.
It is important to know that only those citizens who have left it without their will have the right to restore citizenship. For example, they were adopted or their parents moved to another country when they were children themselves and could not make decisions.
Simplified procedure through marriage
Another category of Ukrainian citizens who can enter into citizenship in a simplified manner are foreigners who are legally married to citizens of the Russian Federation. It is important that, at the time of application, the term of the international union exceeds the three-year mark.
The conditions for the spouses of Russians are as follows:
1. Marriage is official, concluded in the Russian Federation.
2. The family lives in Russia.
3. The spouse (s) can speak in Russian.
If the conditions are met, it is necessary to apply with the application to the nearest department of the Federal Migration Service. Registration will take no more than 6 months.
Nationality by birth
If a child was born in Russia, he can become a Russian only if one of his parents is a citizen of that country. If the parents did not apply for the confirmation of citizenship, or the child received it in another country, then in the future he will be able to claim for the restoration of his rights.
If the parents of the baby are Russians, he has the right to citizenship of the Russian Federation, regardless of where he was born. If the parents have citizenship of different countries and the child is not born in Russia, then citizenship can be obtained in the future within the framework of the accelerated procedure.
If the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation, and his parents, not being citizens, left the baby without their care, he automatically becomes a Russian citizen in six months, otherwise he would become a stateless person.
Political Refugees
Residents of other countries fleeing the war (for example, from Syria, Ukraine) since 2014 can receive the status of political refugee in Russia. To do this, ask the government of the asylum on the border. For the period of consideration of the application, refugees have the opportunity to live at the expense of the state in special camps. Documents are processed by employees of similar organizations.
If a person officially receives refugee status in Russia, he will be assisted in obtaining work, teaching the language, settling down. Refugee children have the right to attend schools and kindergartens. Also they are provided with payments of social benefits.
To obtain the status of a political refugee, an immigrant must be threatened by a real danger in the territory of his native country. If there are grounds, refugees are legalized in the country according to the accelerated program. In the event of termination of hostilities in their country, there will be no grounds for entering into citizenship, which means that the migrants must leave the territory of the Russian Federation or stay and pass the procedure for obtaining citizenship in the general regime.
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