Health, Preparations
Chinese therapeutic tampons "Beautiful Life": application and reviews of doctors
Tampons "Beauty Life" is a unique and reliable product that contains selected medicinal herbs, which in this combination are able to restore women's health and cleanse the body. This product is effective in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. The drug has a fairly wide range of actions, as well as the property of adsorption.
How herbal tampons work
Help to find out what tampons of "Beauty Life" look like, photo. After using this remedy, women notice an improvement in their well-being. Tampons consist exclusively of medicinal herbs that grow in China. They have a healing effect on the entire body. The drug helps to get rid of such diseases as polyps and uterine myoma, ovarian cyst, uterine bleeding and various disorders of the menstrual cycle.
As the doctors testify, this drug has antipyretic effect. In addition, herbal tampons "Beauty Life" provoke processes that cleanse the body completely from various contaminants. In the process of using this drug there is an update of tissues, elimination of inflammatory processes localized in the pelvis. Tampons cope with all types of vaginitis.
Also Chinese tampons "Beauty-Life" help to relieve the pain arising in the lumbar region, in the legs and in the region of the abdominal cavity. In addition, the drug allows you to regulate the secretion of certain glands of internal secretion, improves skin color, restores blood circulation, removes pigmentation spots and fine wrinkles, rejuvenates and cleanses the body, strengthens the uterus and vagina.
Today, there are many drugs that can eliminate bacteria. However, their use gives a temporary result, since their action is directed primarily at eliminating the symptom, rather than the underlying problem. Such products do not provide an opportunity to clear viruses and contamination of the uterus. After the drug is taken, the problem remains. As a result, this leads to the development of a more serious ailment, whose therapy requires the use of a more serious drug.
Benefits of herbal tampons
"Beauty-life" - tampons, reviews about which are mostly positive. They have many advantages. This is a reliable medicine, because:
- Consists of carefully selected natural ingredients. There are no stimulants in the composition.
- Such a drug, if used correctly, does not cause side effects.
- Produce a product on the proven technology of Chinese traditional medicine.
- The manufacturing process is carried out exclusively in a sterile controlled environment. At the same time, everything is isolated and protected from harmful bacteria and dust.
- Each tampon after manufacture is sterilized by a laser that is capable of destroying bacteria.
- The quality of such products is ensured through compliance with all the standards of the international quality association.
Properties of the drug
In China, alternative medicine says that the therapy of any disease should be carried out in a complex. "Beauty-life" - tampons, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness. They have many properties that help get rid of many diseases. This product neutralizes poisons that are in the internal environment, tones the secretion of certain internal organs, eliminates inflammatory processes. Thanks to these qualities, a woman can regain not only health, but beauty. It is worth noting that these herbal tampons have a positive effect on the condition of the uterus and vagina, help to increase and regulate blood circulation. In addition, the drug normalizes the production of female hormones.
Due to the composition of the tampons "Beauty Life", the photos of which are presented above, have a lot of actions, among which:
- Antiseptic.
- Degradable.
- Anti-aging.
- Soothing.
- Toning.
- Regenerating.
- Haemostatic.
- Anesthetic.
- Spasmolytic.
- Antipruritic.
- Antifungal.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antibacterial.
In addition, the drug can strengthen the functions of the sex glands, normalize the menstrual cycle and so on.
At what diseases it is possible to use tampons
Tampons "Beauty Lift" due to their properties allow you to get rid of many diseases. Here is the full list of the ailments the product is struggling with:
- Polyps.
- Incontinence of eyes, cystitis.
- Cervical erosion.
- Mastopathy.
- Some forms of infertility.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Endometritis is the inflammation of the inner shell.
- Cystic diseases of the appendages, ovarian cyst.
- Vaginal candidiasis is a thrush.
- Adnexitis is an inflammation of the appendages.
- Dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation, a disorder of the menstrual cycle, as well as premenstrual syndrome.
- Cervicitis, vaginitis.
- Inflammatory process, which is caused by some pathogens, for example, trichomonads, ureaplasmas, chlamydia.
Structure of the preparation
Tampons "Beauty Life", reviews of gynecologists that indicate the benefits of this product, have in their composition only natural ingredients. The main constituents of the medicine are: cloves, ginseng root, turmeric, safflower, myrrh, pomegranate cortex, incense, Japanese roqueburg, tanning acacia, camphor, meadow core, lilac or Chinese kontsept, wood resin "dragon's blood", root of yellowish sophora, Angelica. On some components it is necessary to stop in more details.
Angelica officinalis
This component contains tampons "Beauty Life". The doctors' comments show that this component has many useful properties. This is due to the chemical composition of the plant. It should be noted that the medicinal angelica is used in medicine in many countries for more than one century. The plant contains bitter substances, as well as essential oils. Angelica refers to a means that not only improve digestion, but also has a disinfectant property. In addition, it was proved that this plant stimulates the secretion of bile, and also increases urination.
The plant has antipyretic, tonic and disinfectant effect. It is used mainly in the treatment of hemorrhoids, certain forms of infertility and climacteric syndrome, as well as menstrual cramps, menstrual irregularities, congestion in the pelvis and inflammatory processes.
Root of yellowish sophora
Give an idea of how to look packaged tampons "Beauty Life", photo. After using this drug, women experience relief and feel more healthy. Tampons contain a root of yellowish sophora. This plant has a bitter taste and unpleasant odor. In Chinese non-traditional medicine, yellowish sophora is used as a drug that improves appetite. In addition, the plant is used for bleeding from the intestine, dysentery and as a diuretic.
It treats this plant and gynecological diseases, including inflammation of the appendages, pain sensations, uterine bleeding. Also, the drug enhances the function of endocrine glands in women.
"Beauty-life" tampons: instruction
Analyzing the reviews, it became clear that many women do not even know how to properly use these medicines. As a result, many either have no effect, or discomfort appears. Here is a brief guide on how to properly use the "Beauty Life" tampons.
First of all, you should wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with soap. This will preserve sterility. Observance of such rules allows you to protect yourself from entering pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina. Also, do not use tampons, the packaging of which was damaged. Such a product can not be called sterile, and there is a risk of harming your body.
Enter the therapeutic tampons "Beauty Life" carefully to a depth of 5 - 7 centimeters. In this case, the exhaust thread must remain outside. Do not forget about it. It is usually wound around the tip of the tampon. Before you introduce it you need to untwist. Some women with age can experience dryness in the vagina. In order not to aggravate the condition, it is necessary to dip the tampon for about 20 seconds into warm boiled water before the introduction. It is not recommended to lower the product into boiling water, as it will lose its properties.
Female tampons "Beauty-Life" should be used correctly. The product should be in the vagina for exactly three days. If the tampon has collected a lot of painful secretions, then it can independently go out on the second day. You can not use it again.
How to remove a tampon
Removal of medicinal products is recommended for specialists in the bathroom, as this process can be accompanied by excreta. To pull the swab, pull the thread. Do this carefully and slowly.
After this, douching with a solution of furacilin or infusion of chamomile should be done. Carry out this procedure carefully. This will remove all substances eluted by the drug.
Between insertion of tampons it is necessary to take a break in 24 hours. Entering into sexual relations can only be three hours after the product is withdrawn. Course - 6 tampons.
Reviews about the drug
As the doctors testify, the use of tampons "Beauty Lift" helps to get rid of many diseases. Usually this product is used as a preventative. This drug allows you to get rid of unpleasant infections and diseases, without resorting to drug therapy and surgery. At the same time, the body produces a sufficient number of female hormones.
Many women claim that this product, made from herbs, helped to get rid of them from infertility and to experience the true happiness of being a mother. Also tampons allow to prolong youth, prevent premature aging, normalize metabolic processes, and also help with menopause.
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