
Chekni - this is what and with what it is eaten?

Chekni is a word that came to us from the English language. It is used mainly by teenagers. If you do not know what it means in Russian, and want to learn how to use it appropriately, this article will answer all the questions. It explains not only the main meaning of the word, but also the variants of its use in different circles of communication.

Chekni: How is this word translated?

First of all, Chekni is a word that is a Russified version of English check. It is translated as "verification". Accordingly, the wording of the word "check" - "look, check."

In verbal speech, it is rarely used even by adolescents. But in the virtual world it appears not only in social networks and gaming dialogues, but even in ordinary communication.

An example of using the word check:

  • Chekni, pliz, I'm still glowing online in "VKashke"?
  • You first check the translation of the word "nihilist", and then stamp it in the comments, clever.

What is a "check"? Gamer slang

Chekni is also a word from gaming slang. That is one of the terms used by players in computer games (mostly online).

In the world of games, the word "check" can mean:

  • Designate the location (its, of some object, of enemies) on the game cards or radar;
  • Check the terrain, the position of the information.

The word is used to denote the action, and to give the team its partners in the game.

An example of using a word in game dialogs:

  • Check the entrance to Ogri. They say that there is a crowd of our aliki shredding.

How can I check through the application?

Checks are also an indication of the action that a user can perform through some popular applications. In this case, it can be decoded as "put a check-in" in the place where you are. After all, in modern language the word "Chekin" means just a mark about the geo position of a person or an object.

The geographic marker is used in social networks and applications. For example, in Instagram, users mark where the photo was taken. By the way, according to the unspoken rules of modern etiquette, it is desirable to use these marks in a dosed manner. There are two reasons for this:

  • Some users go overboard with labels and mark literally every step they take. This not only can irritate other people, but also contradicts the rules of Internet security.
  • Among the most annoying posts in the "Instagram" users are among the main ones called those where there is a geo-mark of the airport or some resort. We do not boast about it - we've all known this since childhood. So you should share your joy with restraint.

But in the social network Foursquare check is more than appropriate. After all, this service (represented by a mobile application) is used to ensure that people leave feedback about the places they visited. Logically, the location mark plays a key role.

An example of using a word in this context:

  • I'm right next to you. Now check on the map, I'll send you a screen.
  • In our cafe is the action: everyone who checks, - muffin to coffee for free.

Chekni (which means "check" from English) is still more often used in the world of online games. Where less often is the instruction of one person to another to put a mark on the location. In rare cases, this word can be used in ordinary life, but mostly teenagers. To use it or not is your business. But the fact of increasing the number of foreign words in Russian speech will not be denied.

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