
Care of room roses

Bushes of house roses - small and compact, their height is 25-40 cm. They are evergreen (except for certain varieties), their leaves are serrated at the edges, small in size. Flowers reach a diameter of four centimeters. Blossoming indoor roses from the middle of spring to the middle of autumn, and sometimes all the year round. However, in order for this to happen, certain conditions are required.

Like many other indoor flowers, the rose loves moisture and bright light, but categorically does not tolerate direct sunlight, from which it needs to be shaded. In autumn and winter, with a decrease in daylight, the flower should be additionally illuminated using a special lamp.

Care of room roses also provides regular spraying - especially in the warm season. Water at the same time should be warmer than air by two or three degrees - otherwise the plant may develop a powdery mildew. It is also good to put a rose in a pallet with wet claydite. Sprinkle roses abundantly, and in the cold season - moderately. Kom of land in the pot all the time must be moist, but not too humid: otherwise a room rose, care for which - it's not an easy thing, can rot. You can water the flower only in the evening or in the morning. Water is used thawed or rainwater, water is pre-insist for at least three hours. In summer, you can take the plant on the balcony, but be careful: the rose loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts.

Plant and transplant indoor roses in a special substrate purchased in the store, or in a mixture of sod land, sand, peat and humus (humus). Do not take too large a flower pot: the difference in size between it and the previous one in diameter should not be more than 4 cm (in height - 5-7 cm). In a very large pot, a rose can begin to drop leaves. If it was new, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours. Claydite drainage must be laid on its bottom when planting plants. From one pot in another rose it is desirable to pass together with an earthen lump. In this case, the top layer of the soil is carefully removed. The soil in the pot must be loosened - often, but carefully, so as not to damage the roots of the plant. The transplant is planned for a time when the moon is in the growth phase.

A month after the transplant, during the active growth of the plant, the roses begin to feed weekly. For the first time use a solution of mullein or bird droppings, then - a complex mineral fertilizer. Top dressing should be done during the flowering period. Planning the care of room roses, one should keep in mind: they will bloom if the temperature in the room does not rise above certain values (+ 17-18 degrees). Their wintering in a cold place will increase the chances of abundant flowering.

Care of room roses includes and the control of pests, which sometimes affect these plants - for example, aphids or mites. Get rid of them with the help of funds purchased in specialized stores. However, such a tool, simple but effective enough, can be prepared independently. So, a good effect is the treatment of the leaves of the plant with infusion of garlic (2-3 cloves per glass of water, insist, dilute in a liter of water). To protect indoor roses from infection will help the periodic strewing of their ashes. Leaves of plants affected by powdery mildew are rinsed in a weak solution of soda (2 tsp per liter of water) - the bush is dipped into it completely. This treatment is repeated every two weeks until the dew disappears.

Propagate indoor roses by rooting cuttings or by grafting. However, it should be borne in mind that grafted flowers grow worse in premises than those grown from cuttings. Care of the room roses, therefore, is quite complicated, but careful treatment of these beautiful flowers will certainly bring its result: they will decorate your house for many years.

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