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British cats: character, exterior, features of the breed

In England there is a legend that tells about the origin of the breed of British cats. Ostensibly they were brought to the British Isles 2000 years ago by the Roman legionaries. To protect the supply of food from mice, they took aboard their Shorthair cats from Italy, and went along with them to conquer the northern countries. Arriving in Britain and facing its cold climate, cats not only survived, but also adapted to the new conditions. Quite often they were forced to lead a wandering lifestyle, which affected the character of British cats: self-confidence developed, leadership qualities, restraint in feelings. The body became strong, muscular, with short strong paws. The climate of Britain made its own adjustments to the woolly covering of the cat: it became thick, with a dense undercoat, thanks to which the animal looks like a plush toy. "British" is also called "plush cats".

The truth is in this legend. Although the breed of British cats was bred in the 19th century by breeding a local short-haired cat with Persians, British cats are nevertheless "Nordic, persistent." The breed was registered in 1898 by the English Cat Fanciers Club. As a result of painstaking and prolonged breeding, the British have a beautiful "Persian" color - the most popular are blue, lilac, cream British. Another Persian heritage is the magnificent collar, which is obtained thanks to a large skin fold under the short neck of the British.

In short, if you describe this breed, you can say that British cats are remotely reminiscent of the inhabitants of Great Britain and ... English bulldogs. With the last of the British cats, they share fungi (slightly drooping lips), powerful paws, wide bone, because of which adults weigh 6-7 kg (some cats reach weight of 10-12 kg), round head, large expressive eyes, short Round ears, which do not stick out, but lie on the head like a hat. True, the cat's tail is not a bulldog stump, although it is also thick, rounded at the end.

"He's a guy that you need, but not at first sight, to figure it out, you need to recognize it" - that's what they say about the English bulldog. Those who love the feline gracefulness, elongation of the body and tender tenderness, are unlikely to appreciate the positive qualities that the British cats are famous for. The nature of the representatives of this breed is very sociable. The British fit perfectly with the new team, they are friendly with dogs and other cats, even in their childhood do not cause serious destruction of household utensils, unobtrusive, unobtrusive, unearmarked. At the same time, they are used to being leaders.

An excellent companion for the elderly will be the British cat: her character is such that she loves to play, but moderately, loves to groom, but also feels when to stop. What the Briton does not tolerate, it's unceremonious: if a cat is constantly squeezed, lisped and played with it without her consent, the animal will just break free and go to some nook. Incompatible concepts are also considered training and British cats. The nature of the representatives of this breed is too independent and proud to carry out the commands. But you can teach smart "british" teams caress and patience, teaching the game method.

A distinctive feature of the nature of the representatives of this breed is called tranquility, poise and peace. These Nordic creatures are not so easily out of themselves, such are British cats. Their character, however, does not allow us to consider them completely tame - for happiness they need to be given the opportunity to be alone, alone. Care for them - the minimum: the animal itself maintains in perfect order its thick plush coat, it should be bathed extremely rarely. Strong structure of the British made him extremely resistant to disease.

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