Business, Industry
Boring tool: area of application and structural adaptability
At present, when processing parts on various milling and boring machines, in the conditions of basic and repair production a special tool is used. One such device is a boring cutter.
Design of the tool
It consists of a carbide rod, soldered into a steel shank, which has a flat working part. Currently, there are many new models of this device. Thanks to the innovations in these instruments, chip removal from the boring zone has been much improved. However, in any case, the boring cutter has a rod and a working part - the head. Therefore, the design of this tool is not difficult.
Boring tool - sharpening
This process is not difficult, if there is special equipment. This is done on a sharpening machine. The result is the required cutting geometry. The head of this tool is sharpened together with the cutting insert. Formed front, rear corner and angle in plan. The geometry of the tool is selected taking into account the properties of the material being processed and the processing modes.
Process Features
Specificity of boring, especially of small diameters, is a difficult chip removal. The work is carried out in a closed zone, the chips are accumulated, knocked down, as a result of this, the cutting process becomes difficult, the heat sink deteriorates and the treated surface may be damaged. To solve this problem, a cutting lubricant (coolant) is used. It removes heat and flushes chips into special chip breaking grooves on the front surface of the cutting edge of the cutter. This is important in this case. This groove is a well with a rounded bottom. As a result of the use of chip chip elements, it is possible to avoid the formation of a drain chip, which is weaved into beards and blocks the work of the tool, as a result of which the boring bit can fail.
Mounting of the device
A boring cutter is installed in the mandrels, which have sockets for setting the corresponding profile of the holder. They come in different types. They also have a conical shank according to GOST. The boring cutter is fixed mechanically. When processing deep holes or small diameters, transitional mandrels are used. They are selected so that it can be installed in the cone of the spindle of the machine. Short cantilever mandrels allow the simultaneous installation of two cutters and work as a combined tool, which increases productivity when finishing large holes. This is convenient in this case. Also, the holes are machined on universal machines, where a turning lathe is used. From the usual specified tool it differs in size of the holder and the method of attachment. The mandrels do not apply here. The shank of the tool has a massive cross-section (25x25, 32x25, 40x40 mm) and is fastened in the machine tool with screws.
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