
Blouse with a basque is a fashionable detail of the wardrobe

The undisputed leader among the trends of spring-summer 2013 again becomes Baska. This is a strip of fabric that is sewn on the belt line of a blouse, dress, etc. Baska was originally a decorative element of the national costume of one of the most ancient peoples - the Basques. It was used only in men's suits, but over time, the French fashion of the 18th century made it a fashionable element of women's outfits. Today, this relevant detail is appropriate for any kind of clothing: from a cocktail dress to an office suit. We'll take a closer look at the basic things of the wardrobe with this element.
How to choose a blouse with a basque

Blouse with Basque will suit the owner of absolute any type of figure.
The undoubted advantage of the Basque is that it can both emphasize the merits of the figure, and hide its shortcomings. Baska visually increases the volume of the hips, makes the waist more elegant, so it is ideal for ladies of slim build. If you have this type of figure, pay attention to these magnificent details, consisting of several layers and a length just below the middle of the thigh.
But the ladies with fluffy forms of basque will help to hide the problem areas of the waist, for this you should pay attention to blouses with a basque, the middle line of which is a couple of centimeters above the natural waist of the woman. Choose a long Basque, preferably a dark color, from light materials, without any decor elements.

If you are the owner of an aspen waist, combine blouses with a basque and strict jackets. But strictly follow one rule. Blouse with Basque does not match with flared skirt, but skirt pencils or narrowed pants will be an ideal combination with such a thing. Do not use a large number of accessories, but the strap, elegantly emphasizing the waistline, will always be appropriate.

With what to wear a skirt with a basque

A skirt with a basque balances the symmetry of the shoulders and hips, creating the ideal proportions in the female figure. This thing is combined with the simplest possible top. Remember that a skirt with a basque visually reduces growth, so the presence of a small heel is mandatory. Visually reduce the large breasts blouse with a basque in combination with a skirt of a similar color. Be careful when choosing a skirt, equipped with this decorative element, always consider the individuality of your figure. If the upper part of the torso is smaller than your lower body, you should refuse to buy such a thing. Blouse with Basque for you will be preferable.


If you decide to bring the Basque into your wardrobe through a dress, pay attention to how it looks on it. It is best to avoid the fantasy style, because dresses with such basques can look too pretentious. Dress length above or below the knee. By the way, small woven fabric elements on the sides in the waist area are also called Basques, so they should also have neat geometric lines. For girls of short stature, there must be a heel or platform. So you can not only make the figure more slim, but also create a magnificent and fashionable image.

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