Sports and FitnessFitness

Beautiful buttocks and legs: a home complex for women

Fit beautiful buttocks - this is not always a gift from Mother Nature. Often, owners of such beauty have to work hard on themselves to achieve results. Undoubtedly, a visit to the gym and the recommendations of the trainer will allow you to purchase treasured forms fairly quickly, but with systematic home studies, the result will not make you wait long. Doing regularly only a few exercises, you can "make" beautiful buttocks and legs in a month.

Preparation for classes

If you seriously decide to take care of yourself, first of all you need to prepare mentally. In this case, the right attitude is not the last place. Most women need an incentive, for example, photos of sports women, a new swimsuit, short shorts. Only then she will work hard to get beautiful buttocks. As for the preparation of physical, you will need very little: comfortable sportswear that stretches well, weighting or dumbbells, if possible a light bar or just a neck, a rug (you can take a blanket or a blanket).

Complex exercises for the buttocks

Having prepared ourselves morally and armed with sports equipment, we begin to "do" the most beautiful female buttocks. There are several basic exercises that, when done, you can achieve good results. In principle, they are classical. This is in time fitness trainers have made a variety in them with the help of additional devices, for example, step-platforms or fitbols.


More effective and effective exercises than squats, have not yet come up. If you squat right, then you literally a month later will have beautiful buttocks. The photos dem- onstrate the correct execution of the exercise. Stand up straight, the socks look forward, the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Sit down and stand up slowly, without jerking. Full squatting is not necessary: we linger for a couple of seconds in a position where the hips are parallel to the floor. That is, from the outside it looks as if we sit down on a chair. Why is it not advisable to squat completely? The fact is that when you go low, almost to the floor, the gluteus maximus muscle relaxes, and this is not in our favor: it must be constantly strained. During this exercise, hands are not put on the waist: they are extended forward or are on a gymnastic stick placed on the shoulders. More physically fit women can crouch with a neck or a bar (under supervision).


Lungs also contribute to strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and legs. Doing this exercise, it is better to control yourself in the mirror. It is important to squat so that the knee of the protruding leg bends at an angle of 90 degrees and does not go forward. The principle of doing this exercise is quite simple: stand up straight, feet on the width of the shoulders. From this position, take a wide step forward, bending your knees (remember about 90 degrees), then return to the starting position. Doing attacks, keep your hands on the waist, another option - dropped down with dumbbells. Falls can be done on the spot or by a path, that is, not to return to the starting position, but to step forward. You can also do the exercise in both sides and back.


This exercise is quite effective. Despite its simplicity, it forms beautiful buttocks, as it allows you to work through the deepest muscles. Exercise is carried out in two versions: standing and lying.

Pushing out standing. Stand up straight, place your legs wider than your shoulders. Knees slightly bent forward, hands on waist. Now push the pelvis forward and hold the buttocks as tight as possible. Then, relaxing them, take the pelvis back.

Pushing out lying. Lay down on the floor on your back, your legs are bent at your knees and slightly apart, arms along the body. Now push the pelvis upward, clamping the buttocks. Hold in this position for a few seconds and lower.

Do this complex is recommended 4-5 times a week, and soon you will see the first results: elastic beautiful buttocks and legs.

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