
Beading: Trees

For years, beadwork was completely undeservedly forgotten, but at the moment it took its place of honor in the mass of kinds of needlework. Beadwork attracts handicrafts lovers from all over the world with stunning possibilities of modeling different products from small colored beads that amaze with their variety of shapes and range of colors. Now you can find a huge number of bead products, harmoniously combining inclusions of leather, metal, wood and natural stones.

Beadwork originates from ancient times. Four thousand years ago in Egypt they learned to make glass, after which women began to use glass balls in the form of ornaments. Beads from this material were originally collected on horsehair, and then began to string on the blades, threads for these purposes began to be used much later. Then beadwork was just born.

In our century interest to this kind of needlework has revived, now many try to make jewelry and accessories from beads, some seriously carry beadwork. Trees made of that material have become not just an ornament of the interior, but a whole art, as each needlewoman puts all her soul into her tree. Such a high interest in beads caused the appearance of a huge number of colorful publications containing product designs with detailed descriptions. "Beading: trees, flowers, jewelry and other products" - a book with this name can be bought anywhere. It became an object of interest for many, thanks to which the exhibitions began. In specialized stores you can now buy everything you need for this lesson.

Why do many begin to study beadwork? Beads allows you to make a huge number of beautiful products, without resorting to the help of special equipment. Trees and flowers from this material are the most common products, because people want to admire this unfading beauty.

One of the rare examples of ancient works of beads can be seen in the Flower Temple, it is dated to the eighth century. There are baskets of beads, whose diameter is about 36 centimeters, there they appeared from the Japanese temple, where they used to store the petals of roses scattered during the holidays on the floor. In those days it was customary to make beautiful hair nets from beads. They are sometimes decorated with fringe from beads, one of the portraits of Maria of Austria can be seen such an example.

Beading: Trees

Trees from beads look quite original, they are natural works of art. To create a tree, you need to spend more than one hour of work, as this is a very laborious task - beadwork. Trees can turn out diverse, everything depends entirely on the author's imagination. In order to deal with the creation of such works from this material, you will need some experience in beading. First, you need to decide how your tree will look. There is no limit to fantasy, because this beadwork. Trees of bonsai are very popular among many needlewomen, as they are very similar to natural ones.

Beading: Love Trees

Trees of love are beautiful and amazing hand-made beadwork that simply shakes its appearance. You must stock up on certain materials and tools for making wood. You need: beads of different colors; wire; Beads; Floristic ribbon; Rigid rods; Gypsum, with which the product will be fixed; sand; Decorative pebbles. At first glance, it may seem that this list is too large, but eventually you will have everything you need, as this process really "drags out".

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