
Basket Christmas gift: what to put, how to arrange

On the eve of New Year's Eve, before each indifferent person there is a question of preparing gifts for relatives, friends, colleagues. I want to present a useful gift, while spending a reasonable amount, so that there are finances for the very celebration. A win-win option will be a Christmas basket. Its composition depends on the imagination and the possibilities of the donor. Such a gift is good because it can be presented to more than one person, but, for example, a married couple or a work collective. What to put in it and how to arrange it?

The idea of a gift for any holiday

Many people are familiar with the situation when before any celebration, whether it is the birthday of the mother, the wedding of a friend or the jubilee of the boss, the flow of thoughts about some necessary gift begins in the head. There is no desire to present a gift that the recipient will not use. A universal option will be a gift basket. For any person and occasion you can find a wonderful combination of ingredients. So, New Year gift baskets perfectly decorate a bottle of sparkling wine, tangerines, sweets. This composition is decorated with tinsel, spruce twigs and cones.

Fruits and sweets - a common combination of products that can please children and sweet tooth. Children's composition is appropriate to supplement the toy and balloons. A similar basket, decorated with flowers and valentines, will be an exquisite gift for lovers. Multifunctionality of the product presentation is also in the fact that it can be a packing for the main gift. Eau de toilette, a wristwatch, jewelry or simply money will look great in combination with flowers, ribbons, fruits and elite alcohol.

Than fill

Variants of gifts that can be placed in the basket are many. It all depends on who the present is meant for. Further concrete examples of design for men and women will be considered, and now generalized versions are offered. The Christmas basket differs from the festive tree with the unity of the decoration. It is not necessary to stuff a basket with diverse products. If the coffee-tea theme is chosen, then you do not need to supplement the present with fruits, wine or champagne. The ceremony of the future tea drinking is better decorated with high-quality chocolate, elegant cakes and a collection of elite varieties of nuts.

A Christmas basket with champagne is a classic of the genre. It is with this drink that most people associate the New Year holiday. It is important to choose a sparkling wine, according to the taste preferences of the recipient. Brut is suitable for those who are subject to constant tracking of the figure. And yet, do not save on champagne, because it is the center of the gift.

The assortment of New Year's baskets: alcoholic products, fruits, tea and coffee sets, chocolate, cheeses, nuts, hamons.

Family-child option

On New Year's Eve it is customary to visit relatives, friends and relatives. A nice surprise for the owners of the house can be a Christmas basket with gifts. This is a present for the whole family. Moreover, coming to visit, I want to respect all members of the family. Such a braid can fit different sets of products. For adults, you can buy whiskey and liquor, or cognac and wine. That is, an alcoholic couple of drinks, one of which is stronger for a man, and the second - for a woman. Supplement to alcohol will serve fruit: grapes, pineapple, oranges, pears and bitter chocolate. Also an excellent addition to the braid will be a can of caviar.

To ensure that the family gift is interesting for children, it is necessary to invest in it unusual sweets. Classical candy and biscuits, the kids on New Year's Eve will not be surprised. The original can be: chocolate handmade figures, bright cakes, biscuit balls on sticks. The final stage of collecting the family-children's basket will be the purchase of a soft toy, which will be the symbol of the coming New Year.

Simplified version

New Year's gift baskets can be made in miniature. Attentive buyers on supermarket shelves watched elite alcoholic drinks in toy bottles. So they will become a salvation for those who need to invest in a small amount with a gift. In this case, the basket must be appropriate. As an option, you can consider the braids designed to store things, or as a basis to take the box and wrap it with decorative paper.

Miniature champagne should be played with small fruits and sweets. Bottom of a box or braids is covered with a lush rain, fixing alcohol on a double-sided scotch and spreading clementines and sweets according to the type of raffaelo around the small bottle. Everything, the Christmas basket is ready.

Male and female set

When choosing the components in the male composition, it is important to maintain style, rigor and components that combine with each other. New Year's gift for a man, as a rule, consists of elite alcohol: whiskey, tequila, vodka, Cuban rum. Expensive will be a combination of alcohol with a jamon, red caviar, dry varieties of sausages and cheese. If cognac is chosen as alcohol, then it can be supplemented with coffee and black chocolate.

The female composition differs from the male basket by the predominance in it of all kinds of sweets and fruits. Classic Christmas basket for the fair sex includes a sparkling wine or liqueur, accompanied by chocolate, nut sets. A gift for a woman will also be a coffee-tea composition.

How to make a New Year's basket

In order for the selected food sets to look appropriate against the background of the recipient, it is necessary to take into account its gender and status. Men's design of New Year's compositions should be concise with a minimum number of bows and flowers. Enough spruce twigs and red satin ribbons. Here are the family-children's basket versions can be decorated with colorful elements. Such gifts are well decorated with bells, tinsel, crackers, bows. Women's sets are spectacularly decorated with flowers. For example, the design in golden yellow colors allows you to fit in the composition of yellow roses, which are perfectly combined with green branches of fir and small golden bells.

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