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Bald cat: another child in the house

Nine out of ten people, if they are asked what the first association comes to them at the word "cat", they will say something like "wool", "soft", "fluffy", "you can stroke". Of course, no one will come up with the word "bald."

A cat for that and a cat to be fluffy, soft and warm. The Sphynx breed completely refutes this claim. This cat is completely devoid of wool, that is, he is, in fact, bald. Someone thinks they are nice, but someone is just afraid. What are the Sphinxes really?

It starts with the fact that this artificially bred breed of cats. But why the ancestors of the breed lost their wool, it is not known. Hairlessness was fixed by crossing with short-haired breeds. These animals are Asian cats. Unlike their relatives, Siamese cats, the sphinxes are very friendly and not touching, they have many dog traits. For example, they are very attached to a person and are suitable if they are called. Despite its peculiar appearance, bald cats are very good-natured creatures, get on well with all family members and different domestic animals, including their own kind.

Due to the fact that the hair of the sphinx is either absent, or it is very short, their skin emits a special substance that protects from harmful effects, and, as a rule, accumulates near the claws and near the ears. In this case, do not thoroughly wash the animal, it is better to wipe his skin with a rag with baby cream. In addition, the bald cat even sweats. Just like a man! Because of the features of the exterior, a bald cat requires special care. The fact is that to maintain the heat, he needs to eat a lot, since his bare skin does not hold him. This feature is also due to the fact that in winter the sphinxes need care and warmth.

Although their average body temperature is higher than that of other cats, they themselves need to be warmed by dressing in special waistcoats or, at least, letting them under the blanket. Bald cats have a delicate skin, so it is advisable to trim their claws so that the animal is not injured, although some representatives do it themselves. In addition, since The ears of the sphinx are not protected by wool, they need to be cleaned carefully with cotton swabs. Animals tolerate such procedures calmly, so you can not be afraid of your hands. A bald cat at home looks like a small child, which you need to watch. The fact is that the beast can get a skin burn even while lying near the battery.

To date, there are 3 breeds of sphinxes

1. Peterbald. This breed was bred in Russia by crossing the Don Sphynx and oriental cat. As a result, 4 kittens were received. Representatives of the breed have a slender body and long legs, flat cheekbones. Also on the skin there may be pigmentation, which disappears in the winter like a sun tan, but intensifies during lactation and pregnancy.

2. The Don Sphinx. These bald cats are characterized by wrinkled skin on the neck and abdomen, on the forehead there are a lot of vertical bands. Don Sphynx are quite large, they have a strong body. Their main feature is narrow almond-shaped eyes and twisted vibris in new-born kittens.

3. Canadian Sphynx. The breed is still forming, but the main features are the triangular head, high-set eyes and pronounced mustache.

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