
Azerbaijani wedding.

A wedding in the life of every person is a solemn and exciting event. After all, only on this beautiful day, guys and girls apply for themselves a new status, which imposes certain duties on a person. To marry is a very serious decision, which needs to be approached thoroughly, because from this decision depends entirely on how your life will develop in the future.

Azerbaijani wedding, what it really is? The embodiment of all the traditions of the people in this festive celebration. Azerbaijani wedding is very different from weddings of other nations. This is a more impulsive and emotional holiday, which is filled with traditions, originating hundreds of years ago. Azerbaijani wedding begins with matchmaking. A close relative is sent to the bride from the groom's side , who should inform the family of the bride about the intention of matchmaking. It happens that you can not get a consent, then one of the most respected people of the groom's kind takes all measures to get this positive response from the bride's parents.

Next, the tradition of Azerbaijani wedding includes matchmaking. The father of the newly-married groom asks to come to his house the closest relatives. Next, all together make a general decision about the direct matchmaking. Relatives on the part of the groom consult the bride. They learn her opinion on this matter, after the general decision of the mother of the bride, the date is announced, when a small and great betrothal will be held.

The first is a small betrothal. During it, according to tradition, the bridegroom bestows gifts to the bride, or gives her a ring, which is put on the finger either by the groom's father or his sister. The next stage in the Azerbaijani wedding is a great betrothal. On this day, relatives of the groom are presented with everything necessary for the wedding attire of the bride. But there is one nuance: this decoration does not include shoes for the bride, her mother-in-law gives the girl a little later. Also on the day of the bride's big betrothal, other gifts are presented on special trays by the groom.

A month after the big betrothal, the bride and her relatives come to visit the groom on a return visit. All trays return back, additional gifts are already given to the groom and his relatives.

A few days before the wedding, the bride sends all her dowry to the groom's house. There he is disassembled by the boy's sisters, and after that they begin to prepare a room for the young. Also, a few days before the wedding begins a stormy preparation for the celebration. Women begin to prepare yogurt, lavash and fetir. These products are the main part of the festive table of the Azerbaijani wedding.

Early registration of marriage meant only the so-called wedding, which was held by the mole. This religious rite was performed a few days before the celebration of the celebration itself. In our days, registration of marriage also includes official registration in the registry office.

The very triumph, ie. Azerbaijani wedding lasts about three days. The first day is the celebration of the wedding only by the side of the bride, also the groom and several representatives of his kind are invited. The second day is the celebration in the groom's house, respectively. In the morning preparations begin, and the groom, most often with his father and brothers, goes for his already wife. While the young people go to the celebration at the groom's house, his relatives cut the ram at home. The task for the young is to jump over the sacred animal at the entrance to the house, but first the mother-in-law smears young blood, the newly killed animal. The wedding night for the Azerbaijanis as if sums up the unmarried life of the young and gives rise to entering into a new, already family life.

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