HealthDiseases and Conditions

Aspirin Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Features of Treatment

Almost everyone knows about the existence of bronchial asthma. And it is for people with this disease in the instruction for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that there is a separate item warning about possible side effects. This is due to the fact that there is aspirin bronchial asthma, and the reception of such drugs can not only do not bring benefits, but also significantly harm the health.

Let's talk more about this disease, its symptoms, as well as the ways of treatment and prevention.

What is Aspirin Asthma

So, what is the disease that will be discussed? Aspirin asthma is one of the forms of bronchial asthma. It appears as a result of intolerance to the body of drugs containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs).

As a rule, the disease begins to manifest itself after the transferred atopic bronchial asthma, therefore among children it does not occur. Usually pathology affects people aged 30 to 50 years. In this case, as statistics show, more often women suffer from it, and not men.

Mechanism of disease development

The appearance of aspirin asthma is associated with impaired metabolism of certain types of acids in the body. To promote this may be a hereditary predisposition or a viral infection.

In healthy people in the body, under the influence of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, arachidonic acid is converted into substances that contribute to the appearance of an inflammatory reaction (thromboxane, prostaglandin). The principle of action of acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs is that aspirin, which is in their composition, blocks this enzyme, and the development of the inflammatory reaction ceases.

In patients with aspirin bronchial asthma, there are some differences in the functioning of the body. Instead of cyclooxygenase for the processing of arachidonic acid, it uses lipoxygenase. This provokes the formation of leukotrienes, which contribute to the swelling of the bronchi, as well as the appearance of viscous sputum and a strong spasm. The result is the development of an attack of severe suffocation.

What drugs can trigger the appearance of aspirin asthma

As already mentioned above, aspirin is found not only in acetylsalicylic acid, but also in many other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The most famous of them are:

  • "Diclofenac."
  • "Indomethacin".
  • "Ketorolac".
  • "Meloksikam."
  • "Phenylbutazone".
  • Ibuprofen.
  • "Ketoprofen".
  • "Lornoxicam."
  • "Nimesulide."
  • "Phenylbutazone.

In addition, with extreme caution should be taken to receive tablets, covered with a coating of yellow color. In their composition can be tartazin, the use of which is strictly prohibited in aspirin bronchial asthma.

Anesthetics in the presence of disease

Everyone knows that NSAIDs have an excellent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. What if you just need to use them? What can I take an anesthetic for aspirin asthma?

A very effective remedy is Paracetamol. It is characterized by a rapid action and practically does not cause symptoms of intolerance to aspirin preparations. But before using it, it is necessary to consult with your doctor to determine the maximum allowable dose to avoid the appearance of adverse reactions.

Symptoms of Aspirin Bronchial Asthma

How does aspirin manifest itself ? Symptoms may differ depending on the severity of the disease. Consider those options that are accurate indicators of the pathological process.

First, aspirin asthma is characterized by the development of rhinitis. It is accompanied by nasal congestion, the appearance of discharge and the decrease in smell. There may be pain in the frontal part of the head. In addition, polyps may appear in the nose and nasal sinuses.

Secondly, aspirin asthma provokes a strong attack of suffocation. Sometimes this leads to a loss of consciousness. In some cases, the disease can cause hives, severe itching, gastrointestinal disorders and conjunctivitis.

Urgent measures for the appearance of signs of disease

Aspirin asthma is not a congenital disease, so up to a certain point about it may not even be guessed. Symptoms appear only after 5-10 minutes after taking NSAIDs, so when they are detected it is important to take all the necessary measures:

  • Gastric lavage. For this, the patient needs to drink about one liter of boiled water and press the root of the tongue to provoke the appearance of a vomiting reflex. If after the performed action the tablet fell out, no special measures need be taken anymore. If not, then go to the second paragraph.
  • Do not poison the body and continue the development of allergic reactions. For this, you need to drink 10 tablets of activated charcoal and one tablet of an antihistamine drug (Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.).

In this case, after the end of the attack, you must always contact the allergist. He will conduct special tests to identify the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment. This will take into account all possible features of the body.

Treatment of aspirin bronchial asthma

Treatment of aspirin asthma occurs only in a hospital under the constant supervision of specialists. This will help to avoid or in time eliminate the occurrence of possible reactions and side effects.

One of the ways of treatment is desensitization. The essence of the process is that the patient is given drugs that contain aspirin. This occurs at regular intervals with a constant increase in the dose of the active substance. The method is rather stiff and can often end with attacks of suffocation. That is why it is recommended to increase the dose of aspirin once a day, and not every time you take it.

There are some contraindications to the use of this method of treatment: pregnancy, stomach or duodenal ulcer, bleeding. In these cases, aspirin is used in the form of inhalations.

If there is a poor tolerance of desensitization, the patient is first assigned hemosorption. With a mild symptomatology of the disease, this process is sufficient for a complete cure. If not, then a week later again conducted desensitization.

At the end of the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed aspirin for a year already on an outpatient basis. Do this after eating, squeezed with enough alkaline mineral water. As a result, the body becomes accustomed to the action of the drug, and allergic reactions no longer occur.

To reduce the production of leukotrienes, which are the provocateurs of the development of the disease, the use of antagonists is practiced. The use of these drugs is possible in the form of tablets or with the help of inhalations. It is important to remember that these drugs must be used only in combination with other components of therapy, since they are not able to defeat the disease on their own. Although the total number of seizures after their application is markedly reduced.

In parallel with the treatment of aspirin asthma, there is also relief from the accompanying diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis and so on. For this, symptomatic therapy is used.

Diet with Aspirin Asthma

For successful treatment is not enough to take medications. Another prerequisite is adherence to diet. What can and can not be used for food in the diagnosis of "aspirin asthma"? A diet developed by specialists prohibits the following products:

  • Meat: sausages and sausages, cold-boiled pork, ham.
  • Fruits and berries: apricots, oranges, apples, peaches, grapes, plums, raisins, melons, prunes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, black currants, cherries.
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, potatoes, pepper (sweet and bitter), tomatoes, zucchini.
  • Seafood: shrimps.
  • Cereals: corn and popcorn.
  • Sweets: chewing gum, caramel, honey, jam, sweets with mint, liquorice, fruit and berries flavorings.
  • Semi-prepared foods and canned food.
  • Alcohol: dry wine, champagne, beer.

Despite a considerable number of prohibitions, patients can safely eat cereals, eggs, dairy products, home meat (in small quantities), fish, etc. The main thing that should be paid attention when buying - the composition of the product. It should not contain salicylates, even in the smallest quantities.

Methods of prevention

How to protect yourself from the appearance of signs of a disease such as aspirin asthma? First of all, it is necessary to exclude from use all preparations containing aspirin, salicylates, tartazine. In the previous section, we reviewed the list of prohibited products, so we will not re-address this issue.

Those who do not know about the presence of a possible disease, you need to be cautious about taking aspirin-containing drugs and NSAIDs, clearly adhere to the instructions and the maximum permitted dosage, do not use them for other purposes.

Also, everyone needs to get acquainted with the procedure of actions during an attack of asthma. As they say, warned - then armed.

Be healthy!

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