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Articulation - what is it? And how to develop it?

Language is the main organ of speech, which helps to pronounce sounds and words. Despite the fact that he has no bones, he still needs to train. After all, thanks to him, we can talk, and to do it right, we need exercises for articulation. If the training is given little time and attention, the adult and the child can not communicate with all properly. As a result, there is a violation at the psychological as well as emotional level. A variety of complexes are being purchased.

Therefore, it is important to deal with children from an early age. Gymnastics, which includes exercises on articulation, greatly helps in this matter. Two-year-olds begin to talk faster, and older children correct existing shortcomings in their speech.

Adults also need to develop their speech in the course of life. To do this, it is important to read aloud, use different exercises.

Problems for the development of speech

1. Articulation - what is it? First of all, help. It helps to correct and prevent the incorrect pronunciation of speech. In addition, improves oratory abilities.

2. Education of literate speech.

3. It is necessary to fill the vocabulary of both an adult and a child.

4. Development of auditory attention, as well as phonetic hearing.

Exercises for the development of speech

Articulation - what is it? At its core, this is the proper operation of the tongue and the vocal cords. So, it is necessary to improve these muscles so that they are not weak. In this regard, classes should be conducted daily for the tone of the organs involved in the pronunciation of sounds, words. Time, such occupations take a little. Otherwise, the children quickly get tired and do not want to do anything at all. Adults, by their employment, simply can not spend much time on their self-improvement. The complexity of the exercises is chosen depending on the level at which the person is at the moment.

Correct lessons

Articulation of speech sounds must necessarily be performed in a certain sequence. When it comes to children, it is preferable to take into account the age of the child. You should first tell him stories and a fairy tale that correspond to the topic of exercises. Then you can show the technique itself. Further the kid should try to repeat, thus supervising movement of bodies of speech before a mirror. It is important at this moment to observe it to immediately correct the existing inaccuracies.

The adult is also required to do the exercises in front of the mirror, trying to do everything correctly. Say syllables, sentences, controlling the process.

When can I start studying?

When it comes to children, you can begin training from three months. It just sounds different sounds. Phonetics helps the child learn to distinguish between the tonality of the voice. When the child begins to babble, the next step is. There are already pronounced words, sounds. After the baby has already learned to speak, more serious articulation of speech sounds begins.

In adults, the program is much more complex and extensive. Here there is a direction not only on the development of speech, but also on its improvement.

To pronounce the sounds

A common problem is the pronunciation of the "P" sound. To exclude it, you need to practice for ten minutes every day. Of course, it is better to start the struggle from childhood. Classes will help to make the toddler's tongue flexible, mobile, and also contribute to the easy pronunciation of other sounds. It is important, first of all, to come up with a scenario that the child was interested, and then the game is already on.

1. The essence of the first exercise is to imagine that the baby is riding a horse. You should ask him: "Do you know how she clicks her hooves?". Let the child repeat for adults the sound of clutching hooves of a horse.

2. The next exercise is a smooth transition from the first. Here the child is already in the bird's yard and sees a turkey. You need to ask: "How does this bird talk?" "Bl-Bl-Bl" baby should repeat for the adult.

3. Next is an exercise where the tongue has become disobedient, like a ball. Ask the child to determine where his mouth is "floor" and "ceiling". Allow him to jump with the tongue, like a ball, taking them in turns.

Pronunciation of sounds in adults

With a trained speech apparatus , good articulation appears. That it is pronounced, the surrounding people understand perfectly. For a clear speech, there are also special exercises.

1. You need to raise your eyebrows, hold yourself and sharply shut your eyes. Then pull your lips into the tube, and then smile. This helps to control the muscles of the face.

2. The next task is to move the jaw in different directions. Opening your mouth, you have to start moving the jaw to the right, and then to the left. Then, say different syllables, changing the tone of the voice.

3. Then start yawning, while saying the sounds "AAH", "OHX", "UHH".

4. It is also necessary to recite verses, stories and prose aloud. This helps to develop clarity, because of what articulation of speech will be beautiful and correct.

Exercises in verse

Articulation - what does this mean? Most likely, when adults and children correctly speak, they pronounce sounds, phonetics at the same time is clear and understandable. In this regard, you need to learn different poems, tell stories. If classes are held with children, the toys will help to come up with skits and use them to play the story. You can arrange concerts at home, so that the kid, standing in the center, telling poems, singing songs or just talking with everyone. Adults, this method will also help to liberate, train your speech, get rid of many complexes, for example, to be embarrassed to speak in public. The main thing is to devote a lot of time and have a great desire to talk properly.

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