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Animal couscous: description, lifestyle, nutrition, reproduction

Among the abundance of outlandish Australian flora and fauna is an interesting and cute animal - couscous. It is less well known than kangaroos, echidna or platypus, but it is worth it to learn more about it.

History of discovery and habitat

When the Europeans first saw the animal, they did not immediately decide on its species. However, this can be said about almost every fauna of Australia. The animal couscous was also an exception. Who did this, White did not understand, and at first decided that before them a representative of the monkey tribe. Behavioral features gave the ground and further mistakes: couscous are often considered a kind of sloth. Meanwhile, a close relative of the animal can be considered a koala. Couscous refers to the species of opossums and, like all of them, is marsupial.

It is also interesting that couscous is an animal (photo), not a native Australian. Its original homeland was New Guinea. After the animal, he mastered Australia, the islands of Timor and Seram, the Bismarck Archipelago and even the Solomon Islands.

Couscous Animal: description

It is believed that couscous is the largest of all opossums. This is only partly true: there are about 20 species of animals in nature. The largest animal grows to 120 cm and grows 9 kg in weight, while the dwarf weighs no more than 800 grams, and in sizes does not exceed 20 cm. But most species in length reach 45 cm, and their weight varies between 4 and 6 Kilograms.

The animal couscous has a fluffy and thick fur, in shades ranging from pale yellowish to densely brown. Female are usually monotonous, males can flaunt spots and stripes. The tail of the animal is long, very tenacious, almost always spiraling and necessarily bare to half. The hairless part is covered with scales that prevent injuries when using the tail as a fifth limb.

The muzzles of the couscous are short, the ears small and correctly rounded, the eyes are large, usually brown or black, although there are individuals with a blue or pink iris. Fingers on the "arms" are long and strong, provided with sharp and also long claws - the animal couscous is securely kept by them when moving through the trees. Do not be superfluous, they also end up with the extraction of food.

The average life expectancy of couscous is 11 years.


The whole face of the animal says that the animal couscous is a wood mammal, very rarely descending to the ground. On the trees, couscous rest, there he is looking for food, he even organizes shelter in their branches, equipping something like bird nests.

These marsupial animals are nocturnal. During the day, couscous sleeps; Even if for some reason it moves, it does it sluggishly, solely in order to find a secluded place to rest. Couscous are by nature their loner, they do not get in flocks, but they do not feud over the territory - they are peaceful, calm and accommodating in nature. In addition, they are easily tamed, which makes them pleasant pets among connoisseurs of exotic animals.

Dietary preferences

By nature, the animal couscous is omnivorous, with a certain bias in plant foods. It feeds on fruits, leaves and other gifts of nature. However, on occasion, it eagerly uses insects, bird eggs, and if lucky - small birds and lizards lurking.

Marriage customs

Unlike many mammals, in the reproduction of couscous is not limited to a time frame: the period of gona in these animals is not. They are capable of giving offspring all year round. At the same time there are no stable pairs for couscous, since the animals, as already said, are single.

Pregnancy in the female is rapid, most often it lasts only two weeks. Cubs are born 2-3, very rarely can get a fourth. Babies are with the mother for about six months, after which, gaining the ability to feed themselves, leave it. Out of all the litter, only one cub survives most of all.

Interesting fact

Not only that couscous is an animal pretty outwardly and pleasant in behavior. It has a mysterious property: the wounds obtained are strikingly fastened. And even serious and deep damage, which for other animals could be deadly. Scientific explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found, but it helps the animal in survival, as the wound does not have time to become infected.

Enemies of the Animal

In the natural habitat of primordial enemies, hunting specifically for couscous, does not exist. Young individuals can become prey to a large snake or large predator bird. Moreover, from year to year the population of couscous is steadily declining. And the person is guilty in this. First, it reduces the constant deforestation, depriving animals of their habitat. Secondly, the couscous is hunting: beautiful and variedly colored fur makes them attractive for the fur industry. And local people kill animals for their meat, which is considered a delicious delicacy. Biological scientists predict that literally in a decade, unless drastic measures are taken, the couscous will remain only in zoos and nature reserves.

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