
Ancient people on the territory of modern Russia: table. Peoples and the most ancient states on the territory of Russia

Ancient people in Russia appeared in time immemorial. About 700 thousand years ago, first settled in its southern territories - on the banks of the Kuban and the North Caucasus. The climate here was mild, nature - rich in plant and animal food, so the ancient people did not make special efforts to obtain it, but appropriated gifts.

ice Age

Ancient people in Russia could not live one by one, since there were many dangers, so they began to unite into groups that were called the primitive human herd. Together they procured food, defended themselves against predators and supported the fire. But about 80 thousand years ago, the habitat conditions deteriorated sharply. The ice chilled the northern territories of our continent. From the border of the glacier lies the endless tundra, to the south, up to the Black Sea - the cold steppe. The inhabitants also changed: instead of heat-loving animals, woolly ones appeared, such as mammoths, rhinos, bison, horses, reindeer.

The man had a hard time, but he adapted. His main occupation was now in a hunting hunt. The need for heating forced the ancient man not only to support the fire, but also to master the wisdom of its prey. Gradually, people settled north, despite the difficult living conditions. The parking of an ancient man was found on the territory of Ukraine, in the Middle and Lower Volga regions.

Then the human herd was supplanted by the clan community, which unites blood relatives. Several such communities were the tribe. The conditions of life changed, and with them the face of man. It took a modern appearance approximately 40 thousand years ago.

Agriculture, cattle breeding

Due to the fact that the ice age came to an end about 12-14 thousand years ago, many large animals died out, so hunting and gathering could no longer feed people. New sources of existence were born. Gathering smoothly goes into agriculture in the south of the country about 5-6 thousand years ago. In parallel, there is a process of transition of hunting to cattle breeding. An ancient man has tamed a dog, a horse, a pig, a goat. Necessary products are now produced, not assigned.

The appearance of artisans

Gradually learned to spin, weave and sew clothes, burn clay and make pottery from ancient people. The lands of the north went to master, applying new achievements in the field of vehicles. On sledges, skis and boats, everyone walked and walked until they reached the shores of the Baltic and the Arctic Ocean.

The material culture of ancient people rises to a new level in connection with the acquisition of the skill in processing metals. With the help of metal tools, the earth became more pliable. In the production of food stocks, surpluses began to arise, which served as subjects of exchange between tribes. Processing of iron and other materials required great skills and experience, so there were people involved in certain crafts. Artisans were of great benefit, they produced tools and various products.

Ethnoses to the beginning of a new era

Ancient people in the territory of modern Russia (table number 1, number 2), according to studies of historians and linguists, lived a large ethnic group. In the European part, the Finnish tribes soon became enamored and played a fundamental role in the development of the Russian population. Today in the Middle Yenisei there are only a few hundred Kets, and on the Kolyma there are only Yukagirs.

North Caucasus ancient people in the territory of modern Russia (table number 2) have mastered one of the first, and according to scientists, during this time, only religion was changing there. Christianity spread first, but over time it was replaced by Islam.

Paganism interspersed with the new religion in modern times. The Northern Caucasus, the lower reaches of the Don and the Volga, along the southern edge of Siberia and in the Altai - is the territory of the ancient nomadic tribes of the Scythian Sarmatians, the Caucasus and the Don - the shelter of the Alans, to the east the Saki lived. In the Middle Ages mixed with Polovtsy. During the invasion of Khan Baty, some of the descendants of the Alans fled to the mountains, so they survived - they are the ancestors of modern Ossetians.

Where did the ancient people live on the territory of modern Russia? Table number 1 is clearly demonstrates.

Location: Tribes
Center and north of the European part Finnish: all, chud, muroma, measuring.
Northeast Finnish (the progenitors of the current): Estonians, Finns, Karelians, Komi, Mordvins.
South Urals and Siberia Ugric peoples, the progenitors of the Khanty and Manses.

Of course, this is not all ancient people on the territory of modern Russia. Table No. 2 continues the first.

Location: Peoples
East to Altai and Sayan The ancestors of the Samoyed peoples: Nenets, Selkups
Eastern Siberia Hunting tribes: Heta, Yukagir
Far East Future Nivkhs, Koryaks, Chukchi, Eskimos
North Caucasus Kasogi (later Circassians), obez (the ancestors of Abkhazians)

Bosporian State

After the improvement of the tools of labor, many families could conduct the farm independently, so the tribal bonds weaken. The tribal community is replaced by the neighbor (territorial) community. People are united on the basis of living in a certain territory. Tribes with close economic ties are united in tribal unions. At the head of them are the rulers. These changes lead to the collapse of the primitive communal system and the emergence of a new organizational form - the state.

The first states arose in the south of Russia. Greek explorers in the 7th-6th centuries BC. E. Founded city-states on the Black Sea coast (east and north). Cities near the Kerch Strait in the 5th century BC united in the Bosporan kingdom, which became the richest state of the northern part of the Black Sea coast.

Scythian Kingdom

Neighbors of the Greeks were Iranian-speaking tribes, received the common name of the Scythians. Scythian tribes were divided into cattle-breeding, which roamed, and agricultural, that led a sedentary lifestyle. The land of the Scythians was desirable for many conquerors, so the tribes united to repel the attack. At the head of the union the strongest leader arose and proclaimed himself king. So there was a new state - the Scythian kingdom.

In the 4th century BC it stretched from the Danube to the steppes of the Crimea. From the 3rd century BC. E. The states of the northern Black Sea coast began to be subjected to invasions of nomadic tribes, such as Sarmatians, Goths, Huns. The attack of the Huns in the 4th century erased the first states on the territory of the northern Black Sea coast.

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