HealthSupplements and vitamins

Analog "Aquadetrim" for babies. How to replace "Akvadetrim"?

Any woman who has recently become a mother is primarily concerned about the health of her baby. A newborn child needs not only feeding and swaddling, it is necessary to provide his growing body with enough vitamins and microelements. In particular, vitamin D, which is the main catalyst that promotes good absorption of calcium and phosphorus. This element is required for the correct formation of the skeleton of the baby and prevents the development of diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis.

Suppliers of Vitamin D3

In general, vitamin D3 is produced by our own organism under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and only a small part of it is obtained from food. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, especially in a large city, as a rule, there is a clear lack of this vitamin. And if it is not in the body of the mother, then in her breast milk contains an insufficient amount of the element for the full development of the bone and nervous system of the baby.

One of the most popular drugs for replenishing the lack of vitamin D is "Akvadetrim." For babies this is a significant help in stabilizing the process of assimilation of calcium and phosphorus in the body. This drug on a water basis is considered an excellent means for the prevention of rickets and is often used in nursing preterm infants.

However, any vitamins are still a medicine that is not always suitable for a specific child, and a small patient may have an allergy to Aquadetrim. Usually this is due to improper composition of the drug, so pediatricians recommend changing the aqueous solution of vitamin to the oil analog.

Pros of using Aquadetrim

The action of "Aquadetrim" and the presence or absence of side effects are mainly due to the individual characteristics of the organism. In the absence of individual drug intolerance, the remedy is very effective not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of rickets and osteoporosis.

In addition, the baby's sleep normalizes and the general condition improves. Also increases immunity due to the ability of vitamin D3 to delay the elution from the body of other elements and vitamins.

Another advantage of the drug is its easy enough to dose. In one drop of the drug contains a sufficient amount of vitamin D3. In addition, poor and large mothers, the drug "Akvadetrim" for babies is often issued in clinics for free.

Disadvantages of the "Aquadetrim"

First and foremost, the composition of the preparation, which includes a large number of different chemical constituents, including additives under the E marking and benzyl alcohol, is of great doubt . Quite doubtful that such a "cocktail" will be useful for a small child. It is the synthetic components, as a rule, that cause the rash on the skin and other allergic reactions in the baby. Such manifestations often cause young mothers to think about how to replace "Akvadetrim."

Judging by the opinions of consumers, the dispenser, which often transfuses the amount of liquid, is also not very convenient. Also, many do not like the taste and smell of the drug, in which as an odor is added anise flavor, by the way, also consisting of synthetic components.

How to replace "Akvadetrim"?

Of course, the most famous substitute is regular fish oil. In addition, there are a number of similar drugs, such as "Vigantol", "Multi-tabs", "Videchol" and other medications. Thus, to find an analogue of "Aquadetrim " on an oil basis Not too difficult.

Find a replacement for "Aquadetrim" young mothers have not only because of the intolerance of the drug child, many are deterred by the price. Today the cost of the drug "Aquadetrim" (vitamin D3) in a package of 10 ml is 220-250 rubles., While the price of fish oil in a bottle of 50 ml is only 120 rubles.

In addition, the vitamin content of pharmaceuticals is also significantly different. Therefore, if your baby has signs of an individual intolerance to "Aquadetrim", it makes sense to replace it with another drug.

Let's look at how to replace "Akvadetrim", and find out the pros and cons of using each of the means. Preparations containing vitamin D3 are produced in two basic forms (in the form of an oily and aqueous solution) and may have additional components.

All the "favorite" fish oil

The most famous replacement of "Aquadetrim" is, of course, fish oil, which most children categorically do not accept due to a specific taste. In fact, today the unpleasant taste of this drug can not be felt due to the appearance of a release form such as a gelatin capsule. At the same time, the tool did not lose its advantages. First of all, fish oil practically does not cause allergy due to the absence of chemicals in its composition, while "Aquadetrim" consists exclusively of synthetic compounds. However, some children still have an increased sensitivity to fish oil, in addition, the drug is contraindicated in hemophilia.

Benefits of fish oil

In addition to vitamin D3, this analogue of "Aquadetrim" also contains vitamin A and Omega-3 acids. Therefore, in addition, it contributes to the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby, and also improves the condition of the skin, mucous membranes and hair.

Due to its natural composition, cod liver oil is much more suitable for the prevention of rickets and other diseases, unlike Aquadetrim, which is recommended for treatment.

Using fish oil, it is difficult to get an overdose, while the uncontrolled reception of "Aquadetrim" may well lead to the appearance of symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

Fish oil is much cheaper than the "Aquadetrim". Analogues, whose price is much lower than the cost of the means in question, often turn out to be more qualitative and useful. In full measure, this applies to fish oil.

What fish oil is worse?

The inconvenience of fish oil is that it is more difficult for him to determine the exact dosage necessary for an infant, so the amount in which to use this remedy should be prescribed individually in each case by the pediatrician.

If fish oil is an oil, then Aquadetrim is a water-based preparation. On the one hand, Aquadetrim is absorbed more quickly, but natural animal fat is better. But this rule works for the adult body. Metabolism in young children, especially in infancy, is somewhat different, the oil solution is absorbed much worse than water. Therefore, the probability is high that the baby will not receive the necessary elements.

Another point that should be taken into account when you are faced with the question of whether to choose "Aquadetrim" or fish oil. When the latter comes into contact with oxygen, which is part of the air, the drug becomes toxic and can lead to severe poisoning. Therefore, store the product in a tightly closed container in a cool dark place. The most suitable option is in the refrigerator.

Advantages of gelatin capsules

Today, the most common form of the drug is fat, sealed in capsules of gelatin, which have a number of advantages in comparison with liquid.

Many children categorically dislike the taste of fish oil, but this problem is solved quite simply if the child is more than two years old. As a rule, in this case, the drug is used in a gelatin capsule, which makes it possible to convince the child to take it without any problems. Unfortunately, for an infant this option is unacceptable.

Vitamin D is destroyed by contact with air and light, so the best form for taking is a solution in a capsule that does not allow the drug to rancid and form a toxic compound. Due to the use of fish oil in such a medicinal form, the risk of drug poisoning is minimized.

If you need to take fish oil with you on a trip, transportation of the drug in capsules is much more convenient and safer.

Due to the fact that gelatin dissolves directly in the intestine, all useful substances are delivered to the site of absorption in full, without being exposed to the destructive effects of enzymes.

"Multi-Tabs Baby"

Another water solution of vitamin D3, which is an analog of "Aquadetrim" and used as a preventive measure not only for rickets, but also for a number of infectious diseases, is "Multi-Tabs Baby".

The principal difference of this remedy is the content of additional elements, such as vitamins A and C. Just as in the case of "Aquadetrim", the drug can cause an allergic reaction, especially in case of an overdose. And here the cause of rashes on the skin can be like the vitamin D3 itself, and additional components.

Vitamin A is especially dangerous in this respect, since this element is extremely slowly excreted from the body. In the case of children, an overdose can cause not only a worsening of the general condition, but also more serious consequences, such as delayed development, poor growth and catastrophic weight loss.

Oil-based agent - "Vigantol"

Not so popular, but well-proven drug, which is an analog of "Aquadetrim" and is fully capable of replacing it in case of an allergic reaction, is "Wigantol". This drug, like fish oil, has an oily base and a composition that does not contain synthetic compounds and unnecessary components.

Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of fish oil are inherent in this product, however, it should be taken into account that in the preparation there are no acids useful for the development of the nervous system of the baby Omega-3 and additional vitamin A.

What to choose: "Vigantol" or "Akvadetrim"?

Often, doctors leave behind their parents a decision as to which medication should be used: "Vigantol" or "Aquadetrim". Customer testimonials about this and other options are quite diverse and contradictory. In some cases, Aquadetrim is preferred, which improves the child's well-being, sleep, skin and hair condition, and sometimes even reduces sweating.

Other children from this drug, on the contrary, have a rash and redness on the skin, constipation occurs, and manifestations of rickets never go away. In this case, the real salvation is "Vigantol", the use of which, however, also has complaints. In addition, this drug is not so easy to find in pharmacies, and in some regions of Russia it is rarely imported.

Choosing "Vigantol" or "Aquadetrim", reviews about which are so ambiguous, it is necessary to focus first of all on the individual tolerance of the drug to a particular child. Often the results of taking the same remedy by different babies are so different that it's difficult to say definitely which option is better or worse.

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