
A lumber bath is the best way to relax!

For a long time a Russian person likes to bathe in a bath. And it's good if it's mine. Before such a place appears, you need to decide: which material to choose, what size will the bath, how to make a foundation, how to assemble and install, whether to make an attic?

One of the easiest in the assembly and acceptable for the price is the bar-sausage bath. Its installation can be done without special skills.

The construction of timber saunas is based on the choice of wood, which is best harvested for the winter, because at this time the forest is drier and not infected with parasites. In a qualitative bar there should be no deep cracks, signs of rotting, traces of parasites.

It is not recommended to order ready-made log buildings, since the probability of inhomogeneous shrinkage and, accordingly, the skewing of the room is high. For assembly it is desirable to buy directly the material itself and already on site to produce all the work. The shape and size of the room depends only on your preferences. It can be a saunas sauna with an attic or a terrace.

The first is most often built in order to save space on the sites and for the rest of the family. For ease of installation, the roof is made gable. Insulate the attic with mineral wool.

The timber bath is based on a foundation consisting of concrete and iron reinforcement. Due to its ease, such a building does not require a powerful base, which allows to reduce the cost of the structure. After the construction of the foundation, a layer of waterproofing is laid, that is, the first is applied liquid bitumen, the next layer is ruberoid. Next, we set the bars, impregnated with working or antiseptic, at the same distance from each other, about 25 cm. On top of the bars we lay the first crown of the bath, also impregnated with special means from the contact with other materials. The distance between the bars and the first ring will additionally protect the entire structure from rotting. Formed space is filled with foam. Next, the heater is laid on top of the first crown, it can be a moss or a tow. The layer is laid so that it protrudes beyond the edges of the bar, this is necessary for the caulking of the bath when shrinking. In the second ring and the following holes are drilled for metal pins, necessary for fastening all the layers. The timber bathhouse is built taking into account the basic rule - the first and last two wreaths do not fix. This is due to the fact that if the lower tier is rotten, then it can be replaced without problems. After the shrinkage of the timber bath, the ceiling beams are installed, therefore, the dismantling of the upper crowns is necessary.

After finishing the construction of the room, you should prepare the door and window openings. The corresponding designs can be installed immediately.

Possessing all the properties of a log sauna, the saucepan is also more economical, ergonomic, holds the heat perfectly, is easy to assemble and practically does not shrink. The main disadvantage of the sausage bath is that, as a result of the production of the main material, the wood is more susceptible to aging and rotting. For long-term use it must be treated with antiseptics and protective impregnations.

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