
A cough medicine for children

Cough is a protective reaction of the body. It helps to clean the upper respiratory tract from microbes, dust, sputum, mucus or foreign bodies that have got into them. Cough and the reasons for its appearance may be different. This pathology in some cases is a symptom of the disease of the nervous system, when there is a violation of the function of the cough center located in the brain. In childhood, the cause of the appearance of a disease is most often those or other colds.

Various cases of this pathology are characterized by:

- duration;



- type of discharge;

Sputum character;

-periods of appearance or exacerbation of cough.

A reliable description of all the symptoms will help the doctor correctly prescribe a course of treatment.

Self-medication cough, especially chronic, is not recommended. The main goal, which is pursued in getting rid of this pathology, is the alleviation of the patient's condition, as well as the excretion of sputum, the normalization of the functions of the bronchial mucosa and an increase in the elasticity of the lungs.

A cough medicine for children can belong to a group of drugs. These drugs are able to block the pathological process in the brain itself. For the treatment of babies they are used only in special cases. The appointment is made only by a specialist who monitors the condition of the body during the entire course of admission. The cough medicine for children of this group is recommended only with a painful, debilitating, dry cough that has not been cured by other means. Usually the appointment is made with pleurisy and whooping cough. Simultaneous reception with other drugs that allow you to get rid of this pathology is prohibited. The drugs belonging to the group of narcotic drugs include Codeine, Dimmarfan, and Ethylmorphin.

Great security is provided to medicines belonging to another species. These are non-narcotic cough remedies. These include preparations Oxeladin, Glaucin, Pakseladin, Butamirat, Tusuprex and Libexin. The cough medicine for children in this group is also capable of blocking the center that causes this reflex. However, the advantage of these drugs is that they do not cause habituation and inhibition of the functions of the brain. In this regard, the appointment of non-narcotic drugs is much more often. Indications for their use is a debilitating, dry cough with influenza, pleurisy, pertussis who has not been cured by other means.

A cough medicine for children that does not affect the brain is a peripheral drug. This group includes the drug "Prenoxindiazine", its effect is due to inhibition of nerve endings that trigger a cough reflex. The effectiveness of this drug is significantly lower than that of a group of narcotic and non-narcotic drugs. In getting rid of this ailment in children, it is used extremely rarely and only by the appointment of a specialist.

The following group of antitussive drugs include mucolytic agents that have the ability to dilute sputum. They are preparations "Lazolvan", "Mukosol", "ATSTS", "Bromgeksin" and many others. The main properties of drugs in this group include their ability to relieve cough due to liquefaction of sputum, without affecting the brain. They are prescribed for children with pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchiectasis.

Preparations against coughing, related to the group of expectorants, are produced both on the basis of vegetable raw materials ("Licorice root", "Root of althaea", "Kidney pine" and many others), and containing chemicals ("Broncholitin", " Iodide potassium "and others). There are also combined medicines ("Mukaltin", "Pertussin", "Tussin" and others). These drugs help cleanse the bronchi and the airways as a result of the formation of more liquid sputum.

To get rid of mild pathology, lollipops for children are used. These include drugs "Tavesil", "Doctor MOM" and others. They are prescribed in combination with other medications. The main purpose of cough drops is an emergency withdrawal.

The medicine for laryngitis should be prescribed by a doctor. It can be an antibacterial agent or an anti-inflammatory drug. Often appointed "Tavegil", belonging to the group of antihistamines, which remove the swelling of tissues.

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