Spiritual developmentMystic

9 days after death: a difficult frontier

Why do they order the service on the third, ninth and fortieth days after death? It's no coincidence that there is nothing accidental in our church. The fact is that these days are special milestones that the soul passes after death.

After 9 days after death, the soul descends to hell to look at the torments of unrepentant sinners. At this time, she usually does not know about her fate, but those terrible tortures that she sees will deeply shock her and make her afraid of her fate. Why did I use the word "usually" in the previous sentence? Because some souls immediately go to hell, without even hitting the worship of God, which occurs on the third day.

What kind of souls are we talking about? About those who were detained at the ordeal. What it is? They are a kind of border guard, their souls are lingered by demons, who are called princes of ordeals. There are twenty such outposts, on each of them demons gather and make claims to the soul for their sins. The guardian angel protects the soul. He makes good deeds to demons, which are the opposite of sin, in which the soul is accused. For example, a charge of greed can be countered by generous help to others. According to the testimony of such authority as the blessed Theodora, most of all people suffer from trials of their sinful sins. Usually this sphere is very intimate and painful, and people are ashamed of their sins to speak in confession. But secret sins cross out the rest of the confession. So the demons win from us a whole war for the lived life, and not just individual battles. Therefore, no matter how much you are ashamed of your not very plausible acts in the sphere of "personal life," confess them completely to the priest, otherwise the whole confession will not be counted. What happens if a person can not get through the ordeal? He is led to the hell by demons directly to hell, where he is before a terrible trial, although by the prayers of his loved ones, the fate can be mitigated.

The soul for the first three days either walks the earth, or is already suffering. On the third day, if she could get through the ordeal, she is shown the beauties of paradise after worshiping God. Saints say that all earthly joys pale in comparison with the happiness that is available to man in paradise. There, nature is as it was before the Fall, pure and beautiful, and everyone can have everything they want, and be everything that they dreamed of. However, it is not the "climate" that makes the paradise a paradise, but people, the righteous, who could make hell a paradise. In heaven all together, and in hell one by one.

On the ninth day the soul leaves the cloister of paradise and is reduced to hell, where it is still a spectator. Often after the vision of the righteous in paradise, a person understands that for his sins he is more worthy of hell than paradise, and therefore with trembling soul waits for a period of 9 days after death. Special prayer help is very important for the soul. On the 9th day after the funeral in the church, you should order a service so that your loved one feels support.

On the fortieth day, a temporary verdict is issued regarding the soul, which will determine where before the Last Judgment there will be a soul after death. 9 days only an interim period After the fortieth day, the decision can be changed for the better, but for this you need to pray for the deceased and perform good deeds in his memory. From this rule there is one exception: suicides. You can pray for them only with the blessing of a priest and the usual prayers are not booked for them after 9 days after death. For them, the church does not submit notes on any terms.

Help your relatives, commemoration in the church is not expensive, and you will be calmer for a loved one, because it is so difficult for him when these 9 days pass after death. They say church prayer is very important. But more importantly, your personal. For the deceased often read the psaltery, there are special rules for such reading. This will also be a great help to your loved one. The father, with whom you will agree about the funeral service, will tell you more. So it will become easier for you.

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