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8 weeks of pregnancy. Development of the fetus

The fetus on the 8th week of pregnancy reaches a size of 14-20 mm. The baby already has all the systems and organs, they have practically completed their final formation. The remaining months before birth, the only supplier of nutrients and oxygen will be the placenta, which continues to improve on this term.

Although the child's skin is now almost transparent, the sweat glands already appear on the palms , which still do not function at all. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the little face of the crumb is almost formed. The eyes are still widely displaced, but the optic nerves are already developed , the retina, the lens and the cornea are formed. The formation of the eyelids is coming to an end, and the baby's jaw becomes normal. In the mouth there is a tongue, which has already developed taste buds. Usual kind gets a nose, in its cavity there is a complex work on the formation of bulbs of olfactory nerves. But the kid can not feel any smell yet, as the nasal passages are completely blocked by slimy plugs. Also at this time, the outer ear is formed.

Found the bone tissue of the legs and handles, the maturation stage of the cartilage begins, which will continue after birth. The formation of joints begins. On the uzi of 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal movements are clearly visible, and this is not surprising, since the muscles are already quite well developed by this time. Chewing musculature was formed. Handles bend at the child in joints, besides on fingers have already developed fingers. In order to occupy a minimum of space in the uterus, the baby takes the so-called embryonic posture, which will be held by him throughout the pregnancy. The child presses the handles to the chest, and the legs flex in the hip and knee joints. If the upper extremities between the fingers of the septum are completely destroyed, then on the lower ones they are still preserved. This is due to the fact that the legs lag behind in development from the hands, there is still formation, joints and feet, so the fingers remain fused.

At 8 weeks of gestation, the child's heart is 4-chambered, the fetal blood flow pathways and the hole between the atria are conserved. It will be necessary for the baby until he can make an independent first sigh, this is due to the fact that the intra-uterine fetus does not have a blood circulation like a newborn, the main organ is the placenta, and not the lungs.
The intestine lengthens, forming a multitude of loops and making a turn in the abdomen around its axis; in this process, it becomes already small, and it partially leaves the umbilical cord (embryonic hernia). This process is conditioned by physiology and is the norm, at about 11 weeks of gestation the intestine will return to the abdominal cavity.

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus continues to form sex. The girls are laying the ovaries, the boys have testicles. At the child of a female on this term there is a generation of oocytes which in the future will be spent throughout all life. In other words - in 8 weeks of pregnancy the health of grandchildren is laid.

Sexual tubercle, both in boys and girls, looks absolutely the same, so the identification of the sex of the child is not yet possible.

For a pregnant woman at 8 weeks there is a risk of miscarriage, most often spontaneous interruption occurs on this date. Brown or spotting, pain and sensation that pulls the abdomen and lower back are the first signs of possible trouble. Therefore, with similar symptoms, immediate hospitalization is required. You should carefully consider such changes in the body and, if necessary, immediately consult a doctor.

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