Sports and FitnessFitness

10 mistakes that people make when they first come to workout

So, this is your first time going to the gym. Each newcomer makes some errors, so you should learn about the most common ones, if possible, to avoid them.

You treat this with too much enthusiasm

What is the mistake of a beginner who received his first salary? He spends it completely. The same goes for your first time in the gym. You put all your energy into one session, and as a result get extreme fatigue. Which, in turn, leads to the fact that you begin to come up with excuses, why you will not go to work next time. Also, this approach can lead to injury. If you decide to strain too hard within one workout, the chances that you will get tendonitis are extremely high. And this is already the reason or excuse not to go to the gym next time. Instead, you should gradually get used to your new activity.

You compete with the wrong person

The gym can quickly turn into a zone of complete destruction of self-esteem and self-confidence. To find your ideal body, you will need time, and each person has his own characteristics, and the speed with which muscles can grow is also different for everyone. Instead of trying to raise the same weight or achieve the same speed as the person next to you, you should try to compete with yourself, gradually improving your own results. You can become for yourself as the best fan, and the best opponent.

You try to squeeze a workout into a tight schedule

Slow and steady always wins the race. As in the case of diet, the best results you achieve only after a while. Trying to train as soon as possible is always a bad idea. All people have things to do, but that does not mean that you need to try to lift as much weight as possible to finish the training sooner. Instead, you should approach the classes calmly. For example, you need to allocate time for warm-up before you start the main part of the workout. You should determine how much time you can allocate for training to achieve your goal. So you can organize your day in more detail, giving yourself the full right to spend time in the gym without haste. Thus, you will be more satisfied with the results of your training and with more confidence achieve your goals.

You do not drink enough water

Drinking water is an ordinary activity, but if it is a matter of physical activity, water can play a key role. Using the recommended daily water norm (two liters) not only increases the chances that you will lose weight faster, but also helps make training much less difficult. Water allows you to quickly restore the energy level, and also makes the muscles more flexible. It acts as a lubricant for your muscles and joints, so if you will sufficiently moisturize your body, you can avoid cramps, and also make your body stronger and more flexible.

You are too demanding of yourself

If you think that you can immediately perform the same program that your friend does when he goes to the gym from 2012, think again. Instead, you should start with something simpler. You need to do it so that you feel the load on the muscles, but they do not lose their full working capacity the next day. A huge number of people were too demanding on their first day (or someone was too picky about them), and they no longer returned to the gym. Do not fall into this trap. There is nothing wrong with walking in the middle of a run to give yourself a break. Moreover, you will get more pleasure from slowing down, and then finish the training than from not being able to finish the workout at all because of fatigue. And as a result, you want to repeat the training, and not give up trying.

You do not notice any improvements

Changes come with time. It may take several weeks of training, so you can notice changes in your body. However, there are some advantages that come much earlier, but you usually ignore them. People are often disappointed in training, as the size of their clothes does not decrease in a couple of days, and they can not lose 10 kilograms in 10 days. However, sports have many advantages, such as better sleep, better concentration, and better overall health. You should not forget to pay attention to this when you are looking for motivation to continue to play sports. To enhance the effect, you can create a diary in which you will note what you eat, how you are doing, and how you feel. So you will notice that something is wrong with your body, or, on the contrary, that you started to feel much better.

You do not eat right

You will not refuel the sports car with the cheapest fuel, do you? The same goes for your body. If you want it to show an excellent result in the gym, you need to charge it with energy, respectively. Before training, you need to eat a dish that will allow you to recharge your energy and hold out all the time of training with maximum efficiency. Therefore, you need to carefully choose products if you want to visit the gym. What about a total refusal to eat? This is a very bad idea. If you do not eat before training, there is a high probability that in the middle of classes you will feel weakness, and this only gives you more reasons not to go in for sports.

You do not consult an expert

When you want to learn something new, you are always better to ask about it from the person who understands it. If you want to start playing sports, you better consult an experienced instructor. You never need to stop learning, because in sport there is always room to grow. You can always become stronger. When you decide what type of workout is best for you, read about it. Visit a variety of sources to gather as much information as possible. You can even watch useful videos on the network.

You do not believe that you can change

What is your motto? Прогресс требует терпения. The human body loses its form much faster than it finds it. Therefore, you should not be disappointed if you go to the gym after a long break and do not get the same results that you got before this break. You need to return to the form, and do not start from where you left off. You should understand that your body is different from what it was when you were last in sports, so you might have to start from scratch. You can achieve your goal, and you will definitely do it, but you will have to have patience. Believe in yourself and give yourself time to achieve the desired result.

You forget about stretching

Stretching takes a long time and does not burn calories, so it may seem unnecessary and ineffective. However, in reality it prevents many injuries, so you should never forget about it.

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