
Zirconium stone. Properties and values.

Bewitching its beauty and attracting zirconium (jargon, fianit, hyacinth, ligur) refers to semiprecious stones, in translation from Persian "zirconium" means "like gold." The mineral really has unusual properties and is appreciated among jewelers, however not all zircons belong to semi-precious stones, but only colored and transparent specimens.

The mention of zirconium is found in biblical writings, and now it is abundantly present in the composition of some meteorites, S-type stars and even in the sun. On the lunar surface, a fairly high content of zirconium oxide is found, it is part of the lunar soil, which is not at all characteristic of terrestrial rocks. Zirconia-stone properties are unique, because it has a huge range of colors and characteristics, because of this, it is often confused with some other precious stones. Colorless zircon for purity and nobility of brilliance may well compete with a diamond and, as a rule, is usually subject to diamond cut. True, unlike diamond, in nature, colorless zircon is extremely rare. Bluish and grassy-green zircons have a bright intense color, favorably distinguishing them from other minerals. Dark red varieties of zirconium are refined and beautiful, and golden-yellow saturated color does not occur in any other minerals.

For the purity of color and nobility of brilliance in the east, zirconium is called "the smaller brother of a diamond" and is credited with possessing a magical and curative power. His true and life-giving essence has subdued people mystical zirconium-stone. His properties are very diverse and specific, he develops the mental abilities of his owner and awakens in him a craving for knowledge and the search for truth, improves thinking and restores memory. It is believed that the stone gives power over people and charges with the ability to preach and lead, it can warn its owner about fraud and forgery, although, in the hands of a swindler, the stone helps him. In ancient India zircon was considered a stone of the dragon, controlling the lunar and solar eclipses, therefore from ancient times it was endowed with strength and power. Zirconium-stone was the strongest amulet from evil forces, nightmares and restless sleep.

In ancient times, the abundance of mineral was found on the island of Ceylon, but as a rule, travelers did not understand what kind of mineral they were dealing with. The situation changed dramatically when traders began to offer bluish-green zircons, their rich coloring attracts buyers and special zirconia-stone is gaining special popularity among the precious minerals. The properties of this unique natural material allow, through thermal processing, to turn yellow and brown minerals into colorless zircon, which is often used in jewelry. In the same way, blue and yellow-gold variants are obtained, gold with zirconium constitutes an ideal harmonious combination. Buying a product with such a stone, do not forget that over time it can discolour and lose its luster.

However, not one magic of brilliance has subdued people famous zirconium-stone. Its properties are applicable not only in jewelry, but also in industrial production. Zirconium steel is successfully used for the manufacture of internal combustion engines, as well as in the aviation industry and rocket construction, it is distinguished by its highest strength and resistance in an aggressive environment. The unique properties of zirconium include a wide range of light refraction of the stone, as well as a change in the density values. Zirconium does not belong to rare minerals, but it is difficult to find an option suitable for jewelry, so the owners of this beautiful stone are proud of them for a reason.

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