HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why is the skin on your hands and how to deal with it?

Why will the skin on my hands? Than to treat such unpleasant phenomenon? We will answer these questions in the article submitted.

basic information

Why will the skin on my hands? The causes of such a pathological phenomenon may be concealed in various diseases. To identify them and begin timely treatment, you should consult a dermatologist. After all, only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the exact cause of this condition and choose the right therapy regimen.

Why will the skin on my hands?

There are many different negative factors that lead to disruption of the skin regeneration process , as well as its integrity.

Experts say that in a healthy person the upper layer of the epidermis is renewed during each month. In this case, the dead cells are removed unnoticeably, and then replaced with new ones. This is a completely natural physiological process that a person can not observe because of its gradualness.

If the skin on the arms or legs is so oblong that it is visible to the naked eye, then it may be about the development of various diseases.

Main reasons

Why will the skin on my hands? Causes, due to which the integrity of the upper layer of skin is broken, should be detected by an experienced dermatologist.
Most often this condition indicates the impact of negative factors or pathological processes occurring in the patient's body.

So why the skin on his arms oblazit? The main reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • Improper skin care or insufficient moisturizing;
  • Prolonged exposure to strong sunlight (for example, in summer heat);
  • Use of improperly selected or counterfeit cosmetics;
  • Allergic reactions, or so-called contact dermatitis, which is caused by the negative effects of various chemicals, including washing, hygiene, cosmetics and medications;
  • Dry air in the room, especially during the heating season or hot season;
  • Various skin diseases, including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • A bad habit, during which a person often scratches his hands, which leads to the penetration of various infections and bacteria into the tissues;
  • Lack of vitamins such as A, D, E, B and C in the patient's body, taking an active part in skin regeneration processes;
  • The constant use of soap with antibacterial effect, which leads to the loss of skin by its natural protection, as a result of which it becomes susceptible to infection by various fungi and pathogenic bacteria;
  • Secondary infections that develop after the penetration of harmful microorganisms through microscopic cracks in the epidermis;
  • A violation of the drinking balance, which leads to dehydration of the body.

Causes of skin problems in children

Why does the skin on the arms of a child? More often such pathological phenomenon is observed at kids with the weakened immune system. In addition, the scaling of palms in children is often provoked by a violation of their hormonal background. Also, this condition is often observed with increased sensitivity of the baby's skin.

Diagnostic process

Why will the skin on my arms and legs? Independently to reveal the reason of such anomalous state it is senseless. After all, an ordinary person does not have enough medical knowledge to help understand the development of this pathology. Therefore, when peeling the skin on the lower or upper limbs, you should turn to a narrow specialist, that is, a dermatologist. Only doctors with many years of experience will be able to tell you about why the skin on your hands is bared and how to deal with it.

In the process of setting the right diagnosis, a normal visual inspection is not enough. In this regard, most specialists prescribe to their patients various methods of research.

Through a series of tests, the dermatologist can identify the presence of a disease, and then pick up the necessary treatment.


Having identified the reason why the skin on his arms is obliterated, it is necessary to begin to eliminate this pathological phenomenon.

Any skin requires special and gentle care. Therefore, first of all, after each shower or hand washing, experts recommend carefully patting the covers with a soft towel, trying to avoid energetic friction. Drying the legs and hands in this way, the patient prevents irritation of the epidermis.

Also, the following measures can be included in the treatment complex for the elimination of skin peeling:

  • Use a moisturizing soap that does not dry out the skin.
  • Transition to proper nutrition. The products used should contain vitamins A, B, E and C, various trace elements and fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the skin.
  • In case of strong and abnormal covering of the integuments, it is advisable to complete a complete course of taking multivitamin preparations, which contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.
  • If the skin is hard to peel off from the palms, then we can safely talk about the patient's non-compliance with the drinking balance, which contributes to the overdrying of the epidermis. Thus, an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day. In summer, this amount can be increased exactly 2 times.
  • With the development of contact dermatitis due to the action of chemicals, skin contact should be excluded from a likely source of pathology. Dermatitis must be treated immediately, as it is accompanied by severe itching. After such combing, different bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the epidermal tissue, which provoke the development of a secondary infection requiring expensive and long-term treatment.


What medicines can be taken with a strong peeling of skin on the legs and arms? It depends on the existing disease:

  • In the development of fungal disease, a dermatologist can prescribe local medications such as Ketoconazole, Exoderyl, Nizoral, Diflucan, Mifungar, Lamisil, and Fluconazole.
  • With regular and unbearable itching, the patient is recommended to use antihistamines, including Suprastin, Loratidine, and Diazolin.
  • When ingestion of various allergens, it is necessary to take sorbents, which contribute to their rapid elimination (for example, Enterosgel, activated black or white coal).
  • To treat various skin diseases, including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, use steroid medications (for example, "Prednisolone"). Also locally, anti-inflammatory drugs can be applied to the skin, including Bepanten, Elokol, Fenistil, and various corticosteroid ointments (for example, Advantan or Lokoid).

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