Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Why do women less often than men get distracted from business when they listen to music?

A new scientific study conducted by experts at Imperial College and the Royal College of Music found that women are less likely to lose concentration while listening to music. The experiment was aimed at studying how music affects the ability to concentrate on a specific task.

Rock music is a powerful distraction

It turned out that for men listening to music is a distraction. A special place here is rock music, the concept of which is based on charging the listener with energy. But in fact, it can only interfere with focusing, attracting all the attention of the listener.

Progress of the experiment

The research groups were interested in the question of how music can change performance. During the experiment, volunteers in the headphones listened to various songs and simultaneously tried to play the children's board game "Operation". Many computer games have background music that helps users to switch their attention. In the course of the experiment, a different principle of sound accompaniment was used.

Participants using tweezers collected various small details. In total, 350 people participated in the experiment, who, simultaneously with the task, listened to Mozart's classical compositions and songs of the AC / DC band performing heavy metal music. The buzzer was disconnected, so it was difficult for participants to follow the time.


It turned out that the ability of women to concentrate on the task does not affect the listening of musical compositions. This statement applies to the classical genre, and to the "heavy" one. But the men exhibited sluggishness and made mistakes while listening to songs in the style of rock.

A common misconception

It used to be that classical works improve the efficiency and productivity of the workflow. In the circles of intellectuals it was fashionable to listen to classics, while pregnant women and young mothers with the help of Mozart's compositions "raised the intellectual level" of their own children. However, recent scientific research has shown that classical works do not have any magic effect on the development of brain functions. There is nothing surprising. It is unlikely that Mozart himself, creating his immortal works, thought about improving the efficiency of the work of descendants.

Why does rock music affect women less?

While researchers can not formulate a clear answer as to why women were less susceptible to the influence of rock music in the process of accomplishing the task. There is an assumption that men are more prone to so-called "auditory stress", when loud sounds change the perception of reality.

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