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When to make uzi during pregnancy

When to do uzi during pregnancy - this is said so much, but there is no common opinion. Someone rejects ultrasound examination during pregnancy completely, and someone responds to every doctor's demand, fearing for the life and health of their unborn child. The whole problem is that different doctors use different methods in their practice. Who will give a guarantee that the gynecologist worries about the health of the baby, and not about his reputation? And what about the advice of the people around you, who are so worried about you and the baby, and "know" exactly what is harmful. There is only one way out, you need to know all the pros and cons, find out why and for what period of time you need ultrasound and individually, in a narrow family circle, to think about the need for another ultrasound for you and your child.

When to do uzi during pregnancy? What is the purpose of this examination?

All 40 weeks of pregnancy have certain periods during which any doctor of our country recommends passing the uzi. These periods are called screening, and the examination at this time bears the maximum amount of necessary information about the state of the fetus. When to do uzi during pregnancy?

I trimester (10-14 weeks) - genetic research. Uzi will confirm the pregnancy, establish an exact time and find out whether the fetus corresponds to this week of pregnancy. The doctor during this period will reveal the multiple pregnancy and the location of the fetus, the vices in the development of the physical and genetic levels.

ІІ term (20-24 weeks) - with the help of uzi the sex of the child is established, the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid is determined. The term is confirmed and it turns out whether the development of the internal organs of the fetus corresponds to this week of pregnancy. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) is detected and the presence of genetic defects is determined.

ІІІ trimester (30-34 weeks) - according to the uzi determine the conformity of the fetus development to the given term of pregnancy, its position, placenta state (here it may be premature aging and flaking), the location of the umbilical cord.

So we answered the most important question - "When to make uzi during pregnancy?" - and listed the optimal number of ultrasound examinations. But with the appearance of dangerous symptoms or poor health of the future mother, the doctor prescribes an additional uzi. And some experts to confirm pregnancy in the early stages or before the very birth repeatedly prefer to conduct an ultrasound examination. If you are afraid of uzi damage during pregnancy, but also conducting a multiple examination, then you need to choose: to let the problem go by itself or to identify it at the earliest possible stage. In medical practice, cases of birth of healthy children are known due to frequent (up to several per week) ultrasound examinations.

Benefits of Uzi

  1. The study helps to identify the condition of the fetus and pathology in its development;
  2. Allows you to determine the exact duration of pregnancy;
  3. Allows you to monitor the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid;
  4. Determines the sex of the child and reveals multiple pregnancies;
  5. Timely determines the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Harm to uzi

On the dangers of uzi during pregnancy say a lot. But the question - "The relationship between the benefits and harm of ultrasound" is still open. Scientists claim that there is no harm to the fetus for scientific evidence. The short-term effect of ultrasound does not cause pathologies in the development of the fetus. But if you pay attention to the fact that after the uzi in some pregnant women increases the tone of the uterus, which means that there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. But this is not the main thing, the whole point is that the muscles of an adult person react to irritation, but what is the baby? Why the bulk of women, after the study notes increased fetal activity?

Every woman who has been in the position knows what to do with uzi during pregnancy is scary. Endless waiting minutes before the announcement of the results turn into torture.

Look at the survey on the other hand - turn this process into a family joy, let the future dad visit the doctor's office with you. Many men even cry at a critical moment, when pregnancy is visible on the uzi. This can bring your family closer together and help cope with the fear of paternity.

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