
When is it good to go to Egypt? Choose the time for the perfect holiday

Thousands of tourists visit Egypt every year. When is it better to go on vacation? Of course, the weather there is always warm and sunny, but some months may be too hot. Let's talk about what time is most comfortable for a holiday in this country.

When is it good to go to Egypt?

First of all it is necessary to deal with the Egyptian seasons. There are only two: cool and hot. The first one lasts from November to the end of March, and the second, respectively, begins in April and lasts until October. The summer season is characterized by hot and dry air, the temperature can be too exhausting. Winter is much softer, the air becomes more moist, and the heat subsides. Where it is better to go to Egypt? The further from the coast, the more the temperature fluctuates throughout the day and the drier the air. In desert regions, the heat can reach sixty degrees in the daytime, but at night the temperature drops to zero. Therefore, if you are not too well tolerated by too hot a climate, rest better near the sea and not in the summer months. However, let's talk about each month in more detail.

Winter season

If you want to save, then December will be for you that month, when it's good to go to Egypt. The sea is warm, the air warms up well, the sun pampers every day, and prices are becoming very low - off-season. You can have a great rest at the hotel, which will be filled only half. But closer to the New Year holidays hotels will again become crowded, and prices will grow instantly.

In January, in Egypt, the coldest of all. The sea has not cooled down yet, and the water temperature does not drop below twenty-two degrees, and the air can warm up to thirty in the daytime. By the evening it becomes cooler (about fifteen degrees). This weather is pretty comfortable, so it's quite possible to have a good rest and relax in January. In addition, tourists after the festive excitement a bit, which means that the price of the tour will not be too high.

If you still can not decide when it's good to go to Egypt, we advise you to immediately delete the plans from February. Water this month becomes the coldest for the whole year, so that swimming can be uncomfortable, besides the prices in comparison with January are growing. If there is no other way to travel, except in February, choose a resort close to the coast and take warm clothes for evening walks.

March will be much warmer than February, at this time from the desert begins to blow hamsin - a hot wind, bringing with it sand. But also the prices for rest begin to increase together with the temperature. Although the water in the sea still does not have time to warm up and remains almost the same as in February.

Summer season

April marks the beginning of a warm season. The sea becomes warm, and the air warms to thirty degrees. The number of tourists starts to grow, which means that prices will be quite high. May is one of the best months when it's good to go to Egypt. The weather is warm, but not exhaustingly hot, it's only during this period that the Arabs begin vacations, which means that it is quite difficult to find a place in the hotel, and the cost of rest rises to the New Year's level.

In June, a season opens in the Mediterranean resorts, causing the rush demand for Egyptian beaches to subside. The temperature is hot, but the price is quite low. In July and August, the heat becomes unbearable, the danger of burns increases, so it's better to give up leave. By September, the temperature will begin to decrease along with the cost of permits. October and November are still months when it's good to go to Egypt. Tours are sold at an average price, water and air reach the optimum temperature, so that the rest will be pleasant.

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