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What is the treatment for a dry cough during pregnancy? Medication and folk treatment

A woman during gestation is very sensitive to her health, because her condition is reflected in the baby. But some of the diseases can not be avoided. Very often in this period, expectant mothers have a cough. This symptom can arise unexpectedly, and at the same time it can cause a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, there are questions: what is the treatment for dry cough during pregnancy, what medicines can be used, and whether there are effective folk methods?

What is a dry cough?

To begin with, it is worthwhile to learn that the cough has its own "character". It can be "wet" or "dry" (in medicine it is called "unproductive"). Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine its appearance and, if possible, to find out the cause of its appearance. "Dry" is called a cough, during which there are no sputum secretions or they are very scarce. He is extremely unpleasant and quickly exhausts, depriving him of his strength. Therefore, the first task is to make the cough "wet." It will be so only if mucus begins to form. This, in turn, will bring relief to the condition and improve cough during pregnancy. Reviews of women show that many methods do not give an instant result, so you will have to persevere in treatment.

Causes of appearance

During the gestation of the reasons for the appearance of dry cough quite a lot. Guilt can be a disease that can provoke this unpleasant condition, for example, ARI, whooping cough, measles, exacerbation of chronic ailments and others. In addition, the cause may be an allergic reaction or smoking. This can happen even because of poor air humidity.

But during pregnancy, the most common cause of cough is sinusitis. It can be determined by the beginning signs of acute respiratory viral infection, a cold, a cold and a fever. When the first symptoms appear, do not hesitate, but it is better to contact the doctor to find out from a specialist how to cure a dry cough during pregnancy.

Than this state is dangerous

Every woman who has encountered this problem will agree that she is exhausting enough. But try to get rid of it you need not only for this reason. If a pregnant woman's immunity is weakened, a dry cough can cause complications and provoke the appearance of a new disease. "Running" cases have to be treated more radical methods, and this can be harmful to the baby.

In addition, during each attack, there is a huge load on the abdominal muscles, and with a low fetal position this is very dangerous. Stunned shakes can provoke bleeding. Therefore, once you have discovered these unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately take action. But than treat dry cough during pregnancy, so as not to harm the fetus and achieve the effect?

Drug method

To start treatment with pharmaceuticals, it is worthwhile to first see the doctor. He can choose a medicine that has an expectorant effect. Often it can calm and anesthetize what is needed in this state. In addition, most antitussive drugs have a slight spasmolytic effect. These can be lozenges, ointment or cough syrup. The instruction for such preparations should always be applied, so that the woman herself could check whether there are any undesirable components in the composition. For example, such negative substances include codeine and morphine.

There are very few medications that can be used during gestation. This list includes drugs that are allowed to children up to three years of age. Often doctors prescribe to future mothers "Mukaltin", which copes with a dry cough, or "Stodal". Also, a preparation that contains dextromethorphan is suitable, for example, it may be a cough syrup. The price of such a medicine depends on the volume of the bubble. For example, "Stodal" (200 ml) on average costs 300 rubles. The cost varies depending on the pharmacy. But during the gestation it is not necessary to prescribe for yourself these or other medications, relying only on the instructions or the affordable price.

The drug "Doctor Mom"

The price of modern medications for pregnant women can be quite high, and the result is sometimes almost invisible. Therefore, many women in the period of gestation use the proven safe drug "Doctor Mom." Although it does not relieve the pain in the throat, reviews show that the drug helps with coughing. Pregnant women use syrup "Doctor Mom". The price for this drug also varies depending on the pharmacy in which it is purchased, but on average 100 ml costs 160 rubles.

To medicamentous treatment of pregnant women should be treated very carefully, as an erroneous choice of medicine is able to leave a mark on the child. But it is especially important to treat the treatment if there is a cough in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, it will be better to turn to people's methods for help.

Safe inhalation

The most common method of treating dry cough during the period of gestation is inhalation. They can reduce the number of attacks and ease them. You can perform the procedure in several ways. It is most convenient to buy an inhaler. But the result will be positive, even if you use an ordinary pan. You need to breathe over the steam, covering your head with a blanket. But it is worth remembering that after boiling water should stand for about five minutes, only after that you can start treatment (you can not do inhalation over a very hot steam). The duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes. This treatment can be administered up to six times a day. After inhalation, you must stay at home for at least an hour and do not drink cool liquid.

Recipes for inhalations

To facilitate the condition with dry cough will help natural honey, which is bred in hot clean water. The ratio of products is 1: 5. You need to breathe with your nose and mouth alternately.

For the next composition, you need a teaspoon of freshly chopped garlic, as much as an extract of needles, 2 drops of menthol oil and two teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves. Ready mixture is poured with boiling water and the procedure is carried out.

Decoction of ordinary potatoes is also suitable for this purpose. If there is no acute intolerance to smells, you can cook it with onion and garlic. After several procedures, the cough becomes milder.

The next option takes a little time. A glass of boiling water pours two tablespoons of dry sage. The medicine is steeped in a wrapped container for 20 minutes. The water is heated in the saucepan for inhalation. It is poured into a strained infusion and the procedure is carried out. You can also use chamomile, thyme or St. John's wort. But this is not the only thing that cures dry cough during pregnancy.

During the gestation, you can breathe essential oils. Suitable pine, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, but these inhalations should last no more than five minutes. Such procedures are an effective method, but only if the patient does not have a fever and does not suffer from high blood pressure.

Herbal infusions

The simplest "grandmother" method for getting rid of the symptoms of dry cough is tea. Saves the following broths:

  1. 2 tbsp. L. Blossom of thyme mix with 3 tbsp. L. Lime color. Grass pour a liter of boiling water and keep on steam for up to 20 minutes. It is better to drink at night, adding a little honey.
  2. Art. L. Pine buds filled with a glass of steep var. Capacity should be wrapped and wait 40 minutes. Before each attack of a cough, drink two sips of strained infusion.
  3. Dry flowers of clover meadow (2 tablespoons) fall into a porcelain teapot. A glass of boiling water is added to it. The tea will be ready in 15 minutes. It can be sweetened with honey and take half a cup. Drink four times a day in a warm form.

We are treated with milk

From a long time grandmothers were preparing drinks, which treated not only pregnant women, but also small children. So far, milk from a cough is effective. To prepare a healing drink you will need ¼ tsp. Soda. It is added to a glass with warm milk. If desired, you can put real honey and butter here. In addition to our basic problem, this rich mixture alleviates all the symptoms of the common cold. It is also effective to drink warm milk from cough, diluting it with mineral water (quality).

Radish in the fight against coughing

Traditional medicine is famous for its variety of methods of treatment. Most of the methods are suitable for women who are preparing to become mothers. One such means is a black radish. When pregnant from a cough and cold, she can be an indispensable assistant. This product is considered antimicrobial and stimulates the immune system. The juice itself has an expectorant effect.

To prepare a well-washed black radish. In the middle of the whole fruit, a depression is made, which must be filled to half with honey. Within four hours, the juice will appear inside. This fluid should be drunk three times a day on a tablespoon. It is better if the fruit is in a dark place and gradually filled with juice. It must be covered with a saucer or a top from a radish. Periodically (once a day), you can cut off edges a little, so that fresh juice seeps. Within a week, there will be a tangible relief. For this time, about two radishes should be spent.

The only thing to consider is that if a woman has problems with the intestines or a tendency to gas, she should choose another way of treatment.

Cocoa butter from cough during pregnancy

It has long been proven that this product is a real remedy for colds. But most importantly, it can be used by pregnant women, and at the same time its effectiveness is not inferior to drugs from the pharmacy. This product contains vitamins A, C, E, as well as triglycerides, caffeine, tannins, polyphenols, fatty acids and tannins, so cocoa butter is widely used in medicine. From coughing it helps in that it exerts an expectorant, enveloping, analgesic, softening and anti-inflammatory action.

If a woman does not have allergies to this product, it can be used either externally or inward. With a dry cough and perspiration in the throat, you need to chip out small pieces (like a pea) and dissolve up to six times a day. Cocoa butter will relieve inflammation, soften the pain and gradually eliminate the main problem.

If a woman has a cold or suffers from bronchitis, which is accompanied by a dry cough, you can prepare a drink from a glass of hot milk. It adds a half of ch. Cocoa butter and up to two teaspoons of honey. This warm "cocktail" is taken in small sips twice a day.

If a woman has pneumonia or tonsillitis, honey should be replaced with propolis, but it should be 10 times less than the cocoa butter contained in the cocktail. This drink is also taken only in the morning and at night.

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