
What is the drapery of curtains and lambrequins

The process of repair and finishing of the apartment or house in one way or another ends with the design of windows with curtains. The choice of the cornice, the material, the method of decoration, the accessories can be delayed, because every housewife knows that this is the most important touch in the interior of the whole house, which can both emphasize the overall design style and become its crown, and spoil all the work.

What is drapery?

One of the most popular ways to decorate curtains is drapery. This general concept, meaning "curtains with folds," implies a variety of ways to fold curtains for the original decoration of the window opening. Draped curtains create an atmosphere of coziness, softness and warmth in the room.

Drapery options for curtains

The general desire to decorate your home with a specific and unique way has led to the fact that types of draperies have become very numerous. Some of them are quite possible to perform independently, having imagination and minimal sewing skills.

  1. Harmonic. With this extremely popular form of decoration everyone is well acquainted with curtains in almost all fitting rooms. The blind is hanging on the cornice with the help of rings.
  2. French braided pinch. This rather intricate version of the decoration of curtains requires precision and care in the stage of the pattern. The curtain is collected in folds of a fan type. It is important to correctly calculate the width of the folds and the spaces between them. In order to give the window frame the necessary splendor, folds are made quite often, so the width of the selected fabric should be much larger than the width of the cornice, more than 2 times.
  3. Wineglass. The technique of execution is similar to the French wicker, only the fabric above the cornice is collected not in the fan, but in a single crease with the help of lining materials, for example, sintepon.
  4. Wave. Wavy drapery curtains will add to the long curtains and drapes grace and lightness.
  5. Ties and loops. Such drapery with their own hands does not take much time and does not require special skills. You just need to choose a ribbon, ribbon, or a special brush that matches the style and color and carefully assemble the curtain. To give an interesting shape and reliability, you can tie the ribbon to a special holder on the wall.
  6. Decorative clothespins, clips, clips allow you to change the appearance of the curtains yourself, giving them a new shape each time.

Tape for curtains

What is drapery with tape? To the upper edge of the curtains sew a special tape through which several strings are stretched. They are subsequently delayed. The curtain is collected in absolutely straight vertical folds. The stronger the strings are tightened, the more folds will appear and more fabric will be required for sewing.

It is not surprising that the majority now prefer the tape drapery because it allows you to achieve an impressive effect with less labor costs. There is no need to independently measure and stitch each wrinkle. The tape is suitable for any type of fabric. The heavier the curtain is, the more tightly the braid should be. Most often it is cotton or polyester. Transparent tape from the fishing line will allow you to drape the tulle or any other thin fabric.

The width of the tape can vary from 2 to 15 cm. Narrow strips are chosen if the upper part of the curtain is hidden under a curtain ceiling, a lambrequin or a wide cornice. A wide ribbon is chosen if decorative drapery of curtains is supposed.

Lambrequins - graceful decor of curtains

What is drapery curtains without lambrequins? It's like a beautiful picture without a frame. Lambrequins give the design of the room a sense of completeness and usefulness. They cover the edges of the curtains with an elegantly folded cloth. Initially, they had one function - to hide the unaesthetic cornice, now this is one of the main ways to decorate the window, allowing you to transform even the most boring and monotonous curtains.

Types of lambrequins.

To correctly choose a lambrequin for your window, you need to consider not only the existing curtains, but also the overall style of the room. Producers distinguish 4 main types:

  1. Classical. This is the easiest in manufacturing lambrequin, consisting of a thin strip, collected in the folds of the fabric. The strip can be straight, wavy and in the form of an arch. It will easily hide any imperfections in the cornice, walls and window slopes.
  2. Decorative. Gives complete freedom of action to people with imagination, will allow to realize any idea of the author, no matter how extravagant he was. The difficult task is to make lambrequins with our own hands. The pattern can be so intricate that it will be impossible to cope with it on its own, and the services of seamstresses for sewing lambrequins are quite expensive. However, sometimes the result can exceed all expectations and overshadow the money spent on it.
  3. Hard. Such a frame of the window will hold its shape for a long time due to the use of strong and durable fabric.
  4. Combined lambrequin. A pattern for it can contain elements of all three previous types.

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands

Independently to produce a beautiful lambrequin - the task is very real, if there is at least a minimum of sewing skills and a ready-made pattern. As a rule, the patterns for lambrequins themselves are simple. A spectacular result can be obtained by successfully folding and adding elements of decoration. If you have a reduced pattern, then before starting work it should be increased to real size and transferred to hard paper.

  1. Fold the fabric along the lobe and carefully place it on the pattern so that the fabric covers it completely. Circle outlines with chalk or soap, cut out.
  2. Cut off the fabric of the lower finishing strip and decorate it.
  3. We bend the fabric adjacent to the main fabric, iron it, pin it with pins and sew it to the lambrequin.
  4. We fix both resulting canvases, leaving spaces for passing through the cornice and for turning, if it is supposed.
  5. Carefully cut off all excess fabric around the seams, including allowances.
  6. Ready lambrequin is turned to the front side, ironing and gently sew up the gaps.

Now your first, self-made lambrequin is ready. Later you can try to master more complex patterns.

How to choose a fabric for curtains and lambrequins

Finding out what a drapery of curtains and lambrequins is by examining their types, let's try to find out which materials are best used. In fact, any fabrics may suit, but each case must be treated strictly individually. Initially, we start from the style of the room and the concept of the whole apartment. For example, the style of baroque can not do without rich velvet. Dense, strong fabrics will give curtains of massiveness and respectability. Weightless curtains will create a gentle, light atmosphere. Polyester is just perfect for the kitchen, where the durability of curtains is important, because they are the ones that are most often washed. Silk and linen also tolerate regular washing. In addition, they are hypoallergenic, which is important, for example, for a children's room.

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