Spiritual development, Religion
What is the Ark? Myths and reality in the history of the World Flood
What is Noah's Ark? According to the biblical narrative, this is a large ship built by the patriarch Noah on instructions from above. In the prehistory it is told how God was angry with humanity for the extreme degree of depravity and wickedness. In punishment, the Almighty determined to destroy all life on Earth and start the story anew. To do this, He instructed the only righteous man Noah to build a ship in a special way. At the same time, God provided his elect with all the necessary instructions and instructions. On this ship, the flood itself experienced the hero of the narrative with his family, as well as all kinds of animals attracted there by God in the number of one or seven pairs.
When the flood water came down and land appeared, planted with new vegetation, the inhabitants of the ark after many months of imprisonment came to the earth, setting the beginning of a new civilization. The final stop, and accordingly, the place of the alleged search for the ark, is localized by the Bible to the mountain slopes of Ararat.
Theology of the term "Ark"
The very meaning of the word "ark" is a box that serves as a receptacle for something. The synonymic series of this term includes such things as a chest, a wardrobe, etc. The name implies not only a ship, but a sacred vessel, a temple designed to preserve the seed of a new life - Noah, his family and all kinds of flora and fauna.
Origin of the Flood legend
By itself, the legend of the World Flood of pre-Biblical origin, and was perceived with a preliminary adaptation from the pagan world. Its original source is the eastern myth of the flood, preserved also in the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, the Akkadian tradition of Atrahasis and a number of other legends. In addition, more or less similar legends about the grandiose flood in prehistoric times are present in the peoples of all continents without exception.
The religious significance of Noah's Ark
What is the ark for a true Jew or a Christian - adherents of the biblical tradition? Firstly, it is a historical monument that attests to the truth and historicity of the Holy Scripture, the power and glory of the Creator. Secondly, in order to understand what the ark is, you need to turn to allegory. Then it becomes clear that he is an important symbol of hope for the salvation of God. According to the Bible, after the flood God placed a rainbow in the sky - as a sign that henceforth there will never be total destruction of all life. Therefore, the ark for the Judeo-Christian tradition is an important shrine, not only possessing archaeological and historical value, but also endowed with sacred meaning and meaning.
Vessel Capacity Question
Many skeptics wondered how one ship, even a rather large one, could accommodate representatives of all kinds of life on Earth in order to provide them with reproduction and resettlement. After all, a population of even a few dozen individuals is considered not viable, and after the flood the land was to be filled with just one pair of each species. Another problem is how could they be placed inside the ship so that there is enough room for food? Who and how would be able to monitor the cleaning of the vessel on a daily basis, clean the stalls and cages of all animals, and also feed them? While scientists ask questions and doubt, believers invent different theories. For example, according to one of them, space inside the ark expanded mystically and there was plenty of room for everyone. And Noah and his sons followed the cleaning and feeding.
Theories about the date and time frame of the Flood
The supposed date of the flood helps to answer the question of what the ark is. Judaic traditions, based on the Torah, issue 2104 BC. E. As the year of the beginning of the flood and 2,103 BC. E. As the year of its completion. However, a number of scientific studies give different results. However, scientific hypotheses are very different from each other, because they are based on different ideas about the nature of the flood. For example, the Black Sea theory, which assumes a spill of the Black Sea and a rise in the water level in it by several tens of meters, includes a flood for a period of about 5500 years. Other scientists tending to the version of glacier melting, suggest that the fact of a flood of planetary scale was about 8-10 thousand years ago.
It is no wonder that many expeditions and enthusiastic explorers were sent in search of the ark. Many of them suffered a fiasco, some were not fortunate enough to return. However, there were also those who declared that they had succeeded and discovered the location of Noah's ship. As a material proof of their success, some even provided some wooden particles.
The Quest for the Ark
What is the Ark and where to look for it, many tried to understand. Recently, two Chinese Protestants, Andrew Yuan and Boaz Lee, announced the success of their mission. They are preceded by a whole pleiad of secular and religious researchers. For example, claims in the knowledge of the location of the ark expressed as early as 1893 a Nestorian cleric named Nurri. The ark was searched by climbers and aviators. The latter even made a series of curious photographs, on which, with a certain degree of optimism, you can identify something that looks like a ship in outlines.
Nevertheless, there is still no direct, precise and irreproachable evidence for the discovery and existence of the Ark on Ararat, although hypothetically it is quite possible - scientists have established that in the distant past this area was subjected to very serious flooding, and possibly even to a number of such cataclysms .
The lost ark is still waiting for its official discoverer, although there is a prophecy according to which God will hide the ark from the sight of people and it will not be found.
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