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What is a decade. Procession, the sphere of use and the symbolic meaning of the word

Most people are used to determining and calculating time using the well-known words "day", "week", "month", "year". But sometimes you can meet with little-used units of time. Let's talk about one of them. So, what is a decade and in what cases is this word used?


A decade means literally a time span of ten days. Synonyms will be the original Russian "ten-day" and "third of the month." Proceeding from this, it will not be difficult to understand what a decade of the month is. However, there are cases of using this word in the meaning of "ten years". In ancient times the concept was more widespread than in the present, and therefore the origins and origin of this word should be sought in antiquity. So, in the ancient Greek language the word "ten" sounds like "deka", or "dekados", in Latin - "decam". In any case, the consonance of these words is observed in the Russian decade , which explains its origin.

What is a decade in English? The word "decade" can be both a noun and an adjective. It can mean both a time span of ten days or years, or a part consisting of ten sections, in a literary work.

History of use

As already mentioned, in the ancient world the word "decade" was widespread. It could mean not only ten days or years, but also ten people, soldiers, units of cattle and any objects.

The fact is that the word denotes 10, and it has some advantages over 7, 12, 24, which are used to measure time. Already in ancient times people understood that it is more convenient to count tens, therefore the decimal number system became so popular. This is understandable: fingers on the hands of ten, and a visual demonstration of computing operations simplified their understanding and implementation.

What does the decade symbolize?

Representatives of early mathematical schools did not separate exact knowledge from esoteric ones. For example, the Pythagoreans endowed numbers with certain properties that describe phenomena, people and events of the surrounding world, and in part this knowledge is used today by numerologists and people who understand the tarot card system.

It is believed that each phase of development corresponds to nine phases: 1 - the beginning of the movement, 2 - emotional involvement, 3 - growth and expansion, 4 - stability, a sense of foundation, 5 - change, discontent, 6 - creativity and reward, 7 - the challenge of the world , Flexibility, 8 - recovery, maturity, 9 - accumulation and abundance.

Next comes the number 10, which is a bridge, a transition combining the previous nine phases of the cycle and the beginning of a new life stage. This "borderline" position of the tens is not accidental. From the point of view of numerologists, ten is not an independent number, since it can be reduced to one by adding the components: 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.

The Decade in Everyday Life

The concept of the decade is found in the field of finance and statistics, in mathematics, physics and electronics. What is the first decade of the month can be intuitively understood by listening to the weather forecast or by reading the calendar of the gardener. In the first decade of the month weather forecasters can promise warming, the second will be recommended to plant plants in the ground.

What is a decade is well known to astrologers, who divide the zodiac every month into three equal parts (ten days each). Proceeding from the principle "the beginning is stronger than the end," Taurus, who was born in the first decade (April 21 - 30), astrologers attribute the pronounced earthly qualities (diligence, perseverance, authority), in the second (1-10 May) - moderate qualities (creativity , Stability, ability to maintain balance in everything), in the third (May 11 - May 21) - transitional qualities, when Taurus acquires the properties of the next sign of the zodiac - the talkative and mobile Gemini.

Thus, it is useful to learn not only what a decade is, but also to get acquainted with the origin of the new word, the history and the sphere of its use, and with its meanings in other peoples. A comprehensive study of the question makes it possible to find out for yourself many interesting things, to penetrate into the deep essence of objects and phenomena surrounding us in everyday life.

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