Health, Medicine
VSD: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD) is a disease that develops against the background of regular disruption of the part of the nervous system that is responsible for thermoregulation, pressure stabilization, heart rate, respiratory system work, sweating, etc. VSD, the symptoms of which can manifest themselves in childhood, most often occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to the disease. The most common diseases are teenagers, women during menopause, as well as those who experience constant stress and psychological stress.
Treatment VSD, the symptoms of which need to be considered in more detail, entirely depends on the detection of all signs of the disease, as well as on its type. So, the main signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia are:
- Differences in blood pressure (there may be a tendency to either increase or decrease).
- The heart rate is constantly or periodically broken.
- Weak tolerance and resistance to psychological stress.
- A recurrent feeling of chills or fever, which can be accompanied by flushes of blood to the head and an increase in body temperature.
- Possible malfunctions in the digestive tract.
- Occasional fainting.
There are several types of VSD, the symptoms of which are slightly different. Each species has its own characteristics and methods of treatment, defined by the doctor:
- VSD by hypotonic type, the symptoms of which are similar in many ways to the other species, except that this form of the disease is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure and periodic weakness. Also in this case, the possibility of fainting is slightly higher.
- VSD according to the hypertonic type. This type of disease is characterized by the fact that blood pressure rises.
- VSD by mixed type. In this situation, the pressure may rise and fall with some periodicity. This type of disease is more common than others.
VSD, the symptoms and treatment of which are directly related, the patient should be examined completely. It is necessary to examine the patient carefully, so that the doctor can correctly choose a set of medicines for further treatment.
In itself, the disease does not cause a threat to human life, but it is very unpredictable in its manifestations, and, therefore, in diagnosis. There may be some problems with the selection of treatment. The most basic thing that a doctor should rely on when conducting a survey is the definition of the basis of the disease, its root causes.
There are several main directions in the treatment that modern doctors adhere to:
- The appointment of antidepressants and sedatives.
- Use in the treatment of the fundamentals of traditional medicine, among which the main role is played by the reception of herbs. As a rule, this method acts as an auxiliary and in itself does not treat the disease. However, its benefit is to increase the overall tone of the body.
- The purpose of therapeutic exercise, which strengthens muscles and increases the efficiency of the body. The greatest benefit is achieved when the selection of necessary exercises is carried out taking into account the age and physical characteristics of the organism. In general, if a person leads a mobile way of life, the VSD, the symptoms of which appear just after a decrease in physical activity, may not develop at all.
- Leisure. As you know, rest is a change of activity. No one says that the patient should quit his job. It is just necessary to be able to organize life correctly, alternating active activities with proper rest: leaving for nature, treatment in sanatoria. Moreover, sanatorium treatment contains a correctly selected set of procedures that promote recovery.
Remember that correct and timely treatment gives positive results!
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